Hi ! I am Sasmita . And thanks a lot for visiting my site.

Founder of Electronics PostAfter completing my M.Tech from NIT Rourkela , I started teaching at an engineering college in Bhubaneswar. I always wanted to become a teacher & hence, I was enjoying my job as a lecturer a lot. However, I couldn’t work there for a very long period of time, as I married a few months later & thus had to leave Bhubaneswar.

The new town was beautiful and peaceful but due to lack of good teaching opportunities I couldn’t do what I loved – Teaching. All of a sudden I started feeling a kind of emptiness in my life. It was then, that my husband suggested me to start teaching online. Hence, I started Electronics Post to pursue my love for teaching.

With your love & support EP (Electronics Post) is growing very fast.

You can use the contact form to get in touch with me.

It is really very difficult to meet the expectations of my readers, yet I am trying hard to do justice to the site. Nevertheless, I must admit that it would not have been possible without you.