Analog Communication System
Chapter 1: Introduction to Analog Communication Systems
- Block Diagram of Communication system with Detailed Explanation
- What is Bandwidth?
- Describe Classification of Signals
- Explain the Radio Frequency Spectrum used in Communication System
- Conversion of Analog Signals to Digital Signals
- Write the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Digital Communication System
- Explain the difference between Analog and Digital Communication
- Explain the Fundamental Limitations of a Communication System
- What is meant by the term ‘ Channel’ as applied to communication system
- Comparison of PCM and Analog Modulation
- Explain the need for modulation in a communication system
- Describe the Classification of Electronic Communication System
Chapter 2: Signal Analysis and Transmission
- Explain Delta Modulation in detail with suitable diagrams
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Delta Modulation
- Explain Adaptive Delta Modulation and compare its performance with Delta Modulation
- Explain Differential Pulse Code Modulation
- Comparison Between PCM, DM, ADM and DPCM
- Digital Line Coding
- Coherent Binary Amplitude Shift Keying
- Performance Comparison of AM and ASK
- Frequency Shift Keying
- What is Noise in a Communication System
Chapter 3: Amplitude Modulation: DSB-FC, DSB-SC, SSB-SC, VSB
- What is Multiplexing ? Describe Different Types of Multiplexing Techniques
- What Is Amplitude Modulation
- Frequency Domain Representation or Spectrum of AM Wave
- Modulation Index or Modulation Factor of AM Wave
- Power In AM Wave
- Power of A Single-Tone Amplitude Modulated (AM) Signal
- Current Calculation For Single-Tone AM Signal
- Power Content In Multiple-Tone AM
- Explain the Generation of AM Waves using Square Law Modulator and Switching Modulator
- Explain The Square Law Demodulation and Envelope Demodulation of AM Wave
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Standard Amplitude Modulation
- Introduction to Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) System . Explain The Generation of DSB-SC Signal
- Explain The Generation of DSB-SC Signal with Balanced Modulator Using Diodes
- Coherent Detection of DSB-SC Waves
- Single SideBand Suppressed Carrier (SSB-SC) Modulation
- Draw and Explain the Block Diagram of Phase Shift Method for Generating SSB Signal
- Draw and Explain The Block Diagram of Filter Method for Generating SSB Signal
- Explain the Coherent SSB Demodulation with block diagram . What is phase error and frequency error in coherent detection
- Describe Vestigial Sideband Transmission (VSB) . Applications of Vestigial Siddeband Transmission
Chapter 4 : Angle Modulation: FM and PM
- Introduction to Angle Modulation
- What is Phase Modulation
- What is Frequency Modulation (FM)
- Single Tone Frequency Modulation
- Difference between Frequency Modulation and Phase Modulation
- Derive an expression for a single-tone narrowband FM wave
- Explain the Difference between Narrow band FM and Wide band FM
- Explain the Direct Method for the Generation of FM Wave
- Explain the Armstrong Method for the Generation of FM
- Demodulation of FM Waves
- PLL FM Demodulator (Phase Locked Loop FM Demodulator)
- Advantages and Disadvantages of FM over AM
- FM Slope Detector
Chapter 5: Sampling Theory and Pulse Analog Modulation
- Sampling Theorem
- What is Nyquist Rate and Nyquist Interval
- Explain Different types of Sampling Techniques
- What is Aperture Effect and How to Reduce it
- Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
- Transmission Bandwidth in Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
- Demodulation of PAM Signals
- Disadvantages of PAM
- Generation and Detection of a PWM Signal
- Advantages and Disadvantages of PWM
- Explain Generation and Detection of PPM Signal
- Advantages and Disadvantages of PPM
Chapter 6: Probability, Random Signals and Random Process
Chapter 7: Noise Theory
Chapter 8: Performance Analysis of Analog Communication Systems
Chapter 9: Radio Receivers
Chapter 10: Radio Transmitters
Digital Communication System
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Digital Communication
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Communication System
- Signal and Its Classification
- Block Diagram of Digital Communication System
Chapter 2 : Sampling
Chapter 3 : Digital Coding Techniques
- Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) System
- Explain Differential Pulse Code Modulation
- Delta Modulation
- Adaptive Delta Modulation
Chapter 4 : Digital Base Band Transmission