Q.1. Which following HTML file name is not correct?

  1. mistakeName.html
  2. 100%Correct.html
  3. wrong_Name.html
  4. error100percent.html

Answer : 100%Correct.html

Q.2. Which following tag is not HTML tag?

  1. <a>
  2. <b>
  3. <c>
  4. <dd>

Answer : <c>

Q.3. HTML comment identifier is _______?

  1. /*                */
  2. <!- –        – ->
  3. //……
  4. #……

Answer : <!- –        – ->

Q.4. The Character Set _______ is used for Multi-lingual Universal Transformation Format.

  3. ISO-8859-1
  4. UTF-8

Answer : UTF-8

Q.5. Which <meta> tag is use for SEO strategy, so that the web page can be searched easier by search engine?

  1. <meta name = “keyword” content = “…”>
  2. <meta name = “author” content = “…”>
  3. <meta name = “identifier” content = “…”>
  4. <meta name = “description” content = “…”>

Answer :<meta name = “keyword” content = “…”>

Q.6 In case the browser does not recognize JavaScript, which following tags can be used in HTML document?

  1. <script> </script>
  2. <javascript> </javascript>
  3. <noscript> </noscript>
  4. <nojavascript> </nojavascript>

Answer :<noscript> </noscript>

Q.7. Which following code is correct to set background color?

  1. <body color=”#FFFFFF”>
  2. <body bg_color=”#FFFFFF”>
  3. <body background=”#FFFFFF”>
  4. <body bgcolor=”#FFFFFF”>

Answer :<body bgcolor=”#FFFFFF”>

Q.8. Which following tag belongs to <ruby> </ruby> as an annotation?

  1. <rt> </rt>
  2. <rb> </rb>
  3. <rd> </rd>
  4. <rg> </rg>

Answer :<rt> </rt>

Q.9. Which following code is not correct?

  1.  .text { font-family: arial; }
  2.  .text { font-size:14pt; }
  3.  .text { font-color: green;}
  4.  .text { font-style:italic; }

Answer :.text { font-color: green;}

Q.10. Which following code is not correct about “button” property?

  1.  type = “submit”;
  2.  type = “click”;
  3.  type = “button”;
  4.  type = “reset”;

Answer :type = “click”;

Q.11. Which following code is correct?

  1. <head><title> text </head></title>
  2. <title><head> text </title></head>
  3. <head><title> text </title></head>
  4. <title><head> text </head></title>

Answer :<head><title> text </title></head>

Q.12. What is the output according to following code?

<em> Hallo! </em>

  1. Hallo!
  2. Hallo!
  3. Hallo!
  4. Hallo!

Answer :Hallo!

Q.13. Which following code is not correct?

  1.  <div align = “left”>…</div>
  2.  <div align = “right”>…</div>
  3.  <div align = “justify”>…</div>
  4.  <div align = “middle”>…</div>

Answer :<div align = “middle”>…</div>

Q.14. CSS can be added to the head section of an HTML document between_________ tags.

  1.  <css> </css>
  2.  <style> </style>
  3.  <script></script>
  4.  <stylesheet> </stylesheet>

Answer :<style> </style>

Q.15. Which following can open an open a web page in a new window?

  1.  _blank
  2.  _top
  3.  _self
  4.  _parent

Answer :_blank

Q.16. In html document, ______tags can insert a gif animation.

  1.  <animation>
  2.  <movies>
  3.  <gif>
  4.  <img>

Answer :<img>

Q.17. About <hr size= “6” color=”#000000″ width=”80%”>, Which following statement is correct?

  1.  the size means the length of horizon line.
  2.  the size means the width of horizon line.
  3.  the width means the length of horizon line.
  4.  the width means the width of horizon line.

Answer :the size means the width of horizon line.

Q.18. Which following code is correct about the hyperlink?

  1.  <a hyperlink = “url”> </a>
  2.  <a link = “url”> </a>
  3.  <a href = “url”> </a>
  4.  <a herf = “url”> </a>

Answer :<a href = “url”> </a>

Q.19. Which following code represents “white”?

  1.  #000000
  2. #BBBBBB
  3.  #CCCCCC
  4.  #FFFFFF

Answer :#FFFFFF

Q.20. Superscript can be included using ______ tag.

  1.  <sup>
  2.  <sub>
  3.  <super>
  4.  <suber>

Answer : <sup>

Q.21. Which tag is used to enter line break?

  1.  <enter>
  2.  <p>
  3.  <br>
  4.  <break>

Answer :<br>

Q.22. What results will be shown according to following code?

<HTML> <body>  <marquee scrolldelay=”180″ direction=”right”>Welcome!</marquee> </body> </HTML>

  1.  show rolling text “Welcome!” from left to right
  2.  show rolling text “Welcome!” from right to left.
  3.  show rolling text “Welcome!” from up to down.
  4.  show rolling text “Welcome!” from down to up.

Answer : show rolling text “Welcome!” from left to right

Q.23. Which following statement is correct?

  1.  <p> tag must end with </p> tag.
  2.  <br> tag must end with </br> tag.
  3.  <hr> tag must end with </hr> tag.
  4.  <i> tag must end with </i> tag.

Answer :<i> tag must end with </i> tag.

Q.24. Which image format is not used for web?

  1.  gif
  2.  tiff
  3.  jpg
  4.  png

Answer : tiff

Q.25. “MIME Type” of a form can be set as_______?

  1.  form
  2.  text/script
  3.  text/plain
  4.  text/css

Answer :text/plain

Q.26. Want to hide the border of a table, you can set the value of border_____ px.

  1.  0
  2.  1
  3.  2
  4. 3

Answer :0

Q.27. ______ is a client-side language; its interpreter is embedded in a web browser.

  1.  PHP
  2.  JSP
  3.  ASP
  4.  JavaScript

Answer :JavaScript

Q.28. In HTML, the maximum value of <font>’s size is_________.

  1.  5
  2.  6
  3.  7
  4.  8

Answer : 7

Q.29. The ________ tag defines preformatted text.

  1.  <preview>
  2.  <pre>
  3.  <previous>
  4.  <present>

Answer :<pre>

Q.30. ________ regards any element as an object in DHTML.

  1. OOP
  2. Document
  3. Object
  4. DOM

Answer : DOM

Q.31. Which following code is not CSS style?

  1.   <css style = “attribute: value”>……</css>
  2.   <tag style = “attribute: value”>……</tag>
  3.   <style type = “text/css”>……</style>
  4.   <link rel = “stylesheet”  type = “text/css”  title = “External  File”  href = “myStyle.css” >

Answer :<css style = “attribute: value”>……</css>

Q.32. The URL of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) begins with _____.

  1. HTTP://
  2. HTTPS://
  3. URL://
  4. SSL://

Answer :HTTPS://

Q.33. _______ tag is used to set a hyperlink.

  1.  <link>
  2.  <hyperlink>
  3.  <herf>
  4.  <a>

Answer :<a>

Q.34. Which following tag is used to name a web page?

  1.  <name>
  2.  <caption>
  3.  <title>
  4. <heading>

Answer : <title>

Q.35. If you use a photo as a background of a web page, you may use______.

  1.  <body background=“bg.jpg”>
  2.  <body bgphoto=“bg.jpg”>
  3.  <body bgimage=“bg.jpg”>
  4.  <body bgcolor=“bg.jpg”>

Answer :<body background=“bg.jpg”>

Q.36. Which following hyperlink with image is correct?

  1.  <a href = ”http://www.myWeb.com”>myImage.jpg</a>
  2.  <a href = ”http://www.myWeb.com”><img src = ”myImage.jpg”></a>
  3.  <img src=”myImage.jpg”> <a href  = ”http://www.myWeb.com”> </a>
  4.  <a href = http://www.myWeb.com><img src=”myImage.jpg”>

Answer :<a href = ”http://www.myWeb.com”><img src = ”myImage.jpg”></a>

Q.37. Which following tag is used to define a cell?

  1.  <cell>…</cell>
  2.  <tr>…</tr>
  3.  <table>…</table>
  4.  <td>…</td>

Answer :<td>…</td>

Q.38. Which following code is correct to set the width of the text box?

  1.  <input type = “text” length = “12”>
  2.  <input type = “text” maximum = “12”>
  3.  <input type = “text” size = “12”>
  4.  <input type = “text” maxlength = “12”>

Answer :<input type = “text” size = “12”>

Q.39. Which following code is correct to set an anchor?

  1.  <a href = “#anchorName”> Top of Page </a>
  2.  <a href = “anchorName”> Top of Page </a>
  3.  <a anchor = “#anchorName”> Top of Page </a>
  4.  <a herf = “#anchorName”> Top of Page </a>

Answer :<a href = “#anchorName”> Top of Page </a>

Q.40. Which following code can embed a video?

  1.  <source embed = “video.mp4” type = “video/mp4”>
  2.  <source src = “video.mp4” type = “video/mp4”>
  3.  <source import = “video.mp4” type = “video/mp4”>
  4.  <source name = “video.mp4” type = “video/mp4”>

Answer :<source src = “video.mp4” type = “video/mp4”>

Q.41. Which following tag can make a text rolling?

  1.  <scroll>
  2.  <roll>
  3.  <move>
  4.  <marquee>

Answer :<marquee>

Q.42. Which line is not correct?

<head>          line 1
script>           line 2
var abcd;
alert( abcd );      line 3
</html>            line 4

  1. line 1
  2. line 2
  3. line 3
  4.  line 4

Answer :line 3

Q.43. What is the output according to the following code?

<del> Text Sample </del>

  1. Text Sample
  2. Text Sample
  3. Text Sample
  4. Text Sample

Answer : Text Sample

Q.44. A correct email link is _________.

  1. <a href=“mail:recipient@yahoo.com“>Email</a>
  2. <a href=“email:recipient@yahoo.com”> Email </a>
  3. <a href=“mailto:recipient@yahoo.com”> Email </a>
  4. <a href=“emailto:recipient@yahoo.com”> Email </a>

Answer :<a href=“mailto:recipient@yahoo.com”> Email </a>

Q.45. Which following code is correct external style CSS?

  1.  <style rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”mystyle.css”>
  2.  <import rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”mystyle.css”>
  3.  <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” src=”mystyle.css”>
  4.  <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”mystyle.css”>

Answer :<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”mystyle.css”>

Q.46. _______ can go to a specific anchor “myAnchor” of a page

  1.  <a link=”#myAnchor”> … </a>
  2.  <a href=”#myAnchor”> … </a>
  3.  <a href=”myAnchor”> … </a>
  4.  <a anchor=”myAnchor”> … </a>

Answer :<a href=”#myAnchor”> … </a>