Electronics Post received 9,763 page views in the month of November 2015. It seems that you guys are really loving this site, as it is growing at a tremendous rate (as you can see from the graph). You can see below the snip I took from my Google Analytics account .

Electronics Post Traffic : November 2015

Geographical Break-up of The Visitors

Most of the visitors were from India followed by United States of America.

Nov'15 Geo

Top Articles of November 2015

The articles that brought the highest number of visitors to the site are :

  • VI Characteristics of SCR
  • Applications of CRO
  • Construction & Working of MOSFET
  • Working of RC Coupled Amplifier


Right now, my only source of income is Google Adsense.

Adsense Earnings : $4.34

Yes, I know that it is very less, but I am sure that this is going to increase in the coming months. This site is growing at a great speed and I hope the earnings will grow with the site as well.