Chapter 5 : Data Types -I
Q.1: Which of the following is not a primitive?
A. int
B. byte
C. char
D. number
Answer : D
Q.2: What is the size of char data type (in bytes)?
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8
Answer : B
Q.3: How much memory does short data type consume (in bytes)?
A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 8
Answer : B
Q.4: Which of the following is not a primitive?
A. long
B. double
C. boolean
D. String
Answer : D
Q.5: What is the size of byte variable (in bytes)?
A. 4
B. 1
C. 2
D. 8
Answer : B
Q.6: How much memory does long variable take (in bytes)?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16
Answer : C
Q.7: ……….. Is the default integer type.
B. byte
C. long
D. number
Answer : A
Q.8: ……….. is the default floating type.
A. short
B. float
C. double
D. single
Answer: C
Q.9: Which of the following is not a primitive ?
A. short
B. float
C. single
D. double
Answer : C
Q.10: How much memory does int data type take (in bytes)?
A. 2
B. 8
C. 16
D. 4
Answer : D
Q.11: Which of the following type is signed?
A. byte
B. int
C. double
D. All of the above
Answer : D
Q.12: What is the default value of a Boolean variable ?
A. true
B. false
C. Null
D. Junk
Answer : B
Q.13: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
byte b = -128;
System.out.println(“Byte value:”+b);
public static void main(string args[]){
A. -128
B. Compiler error
C. Runtime error
D. 0
Answer : A
Q.14: Which of the following is not a primitive ?
A. Object
B. int
C. boolean
D. char
Answer : A
Q.15: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
byte b ;
System.out.println(“Byte value:”+b);
public static void main(string args[]){
A. false
B. true
C. Compiler error
D. Runtime error
Answer : C
Q.16: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
byte b = -129;
System.out.println(“Byte value:”+b);
public static void main(string args[]){
A. -129
B. Runtime error
C. Compiler error
D. 1
Answer : C
Q.17: Identify the invalid data type ?
A. float
B. double
C. number
D. byte
Answer : C
Q.18: Identify the reference data type?
A. int
B. long
C. string
D. object
Answer : C.D
Q.19: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
float f = 12.23
System.out.println(“Float value:”+f);
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 12.23
B. 12
C. Runtime error
D. Compiler error
Answer : D
Q.20: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
double f = 12.23
System.out.println(“Double value:”+f);
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 12.23
B. 12
C. Runtime error
D. Compiler error
Answer : A
Q.21: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
float f = 12.23f;
int i = 20;
i = i*f;
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 244
B. 200
C. compiler error
D. runtime error
Answer : C
Q.22: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
byte b = 10;
int i = 20;
i = i*b;
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 200
B. 10
C. compiler error
D. runtime error
Answer : A
Q.23: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
byte b = 10;
int i = 20;
b = i*b;
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 244
B. 200
C. compiler error
D. runtime error
Answer : C
Q.24: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
float f = 10.23;
int i = 20;
f = i*f;
public static void main(string args[]){
A. runtime error
B. compiler error
C. 202
D. 202.6
Answer : B
Q.25: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
float f = 12.23f;
int i = 20;
f = i*f;
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 244.5599
B. 12.23
C. Runtime error
D. Compiler error
Answer : A
Q.26: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void show () {
short sh;
System.out.println(“Short value:”+sh);
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 0
B. Null
C. Compiler error
D. Runtime error
Answer : C
Q.27: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void mixedOps() {
float f = 10.10f;
int j = 20;
j = (int) f * j;
public static void main(string args[]){
A. Runtime error
B. Compiler error
C. 100
D. 100.00
Answer : C
Q.28: What is the default value of long variable?
A. Junk
B. Null
C. 0
D. -1
Answer: C
Q.29: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void mixedOps() {
float f = 2.2;
double d = 3.3;
f= f * d;
System.out.println(“Result:” +f );
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 6.6
B. 7.26
C. Runtime error
D. Compiler error
Answer : C
Q.30: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void mixedOps() {
float f = 2.2f;
double d = 3.3d;
d= f * d;
System.out.println(“Result:” +d);
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 6.6
B. 7.26
C. Runtime error
D. Compiler error
Answer : B
Q.31: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void mixedOps() {
float f = 2.2f;
double d = 3.3d;
f= f * d;
System.out.println(f );
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 7.26
B. 6.6
C. Runtime error
D. Compiler error
Answer : D
Q.32: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void mixedOps() {
boolean b = true;
int i =10;
System.out.println(“Result:” +i );
public static void main(string args[]){
A. Runtime error
B. Compiler error
C. 10
C. 11
Answer : B
Q.33: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void mixedOps() {
boolean b = true;
int i =10;
System.out.println(“Result:” +b );
public static void main(string args[]){
A. true
B. flase
C. Compiler error
D. Runtime error
Answer : C
Q.34: Which data type size is 2 bytes ?
A. char
B. short
C. int
D. long
Answer : A,B
Q.35: Which data type size is 1 byte?
A. boolean
B. byte
C. int
D. char
Answer : B
Q.36: Which data type size is dependent on JVM ?
A. long
B. double
C. float
D. boolean
Answer : D
Q.37: Which data type occupies 8 bytes?
A. short int
B. int
C. long int
D. long
Answer : D
Q.38: Which data type occupies 4 bytes ?
A. int
B. double
C. long
D. float
Answer : A,D
Q.39: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void mixedOps() {
float f = 10.10f;
int j =10;
System.out.println(“Result:” +f );
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 100
B. 100.0
C. Compiler erroe
D. Runtime error
Answer : B
Q.40: What is the output ?
class program {
public static void mixedOps() {
float f = 10.10f;
int j =10;
System.out.println(“Result:” +f );
public static void main(string args[]){
A. 100
B. 101
C. 100.0
Answer : D
Q.41: Identify the correct statement.
A. boolean variable can be casted to int
B. int value can be casted to boolean
C. float variable can be casted to boolean
D. float variable can be casted to int
Answer : D
Q.42: Which data types occupies 8 bytes?
A. float
B. long float
C. double
D. long
Answer : C,D