Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Measurement and Instrumentation

Q1.  …………. are integrating instruments?

  1. Ammeters
  2. Voltmeters
  3. Wattmeters
  4. Ampere-hour and Watt-hour meters

Ans. 4

Q2. Resistances can be measured with the help of a  …………

  1. Wattmeter
  2. voltmeter
  3. ammeter
  4. ohmmeter and resistance bridge
  5. all of the above

Ans. 4

Q3. ………….. instruments indicate the instantaneous value of the electrical quantity being measured at the time at which it is being measured?

  1. Absolute
  2. Indicating
  3. Recording
  4. Integrating

Ans. 2

Q4. The use of ………….. instruments is merely confined within laboratories as standardizing instruments.

  1. absolute
  2. indicating
  3. recording
  4. integrating
  5. none of the above

Ans. 1

Q5. ………….. instruments measure the total quantity of electricity delivered at a particular time.

  1. absolute
  2. indicating
  3. recording
  4. integrating

Ans. 4

Q6. According to application, instruments can be classified into ………. and ……….

  1. switch board
  2. portable
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. moving coil
  5. moving iron
  6. both 4 and 5

Ans. 3

Q7. The  spring material used in a spring control device should have the following property:

  1. should be non-magnetic
  2. should have low-temperature co-efficient
  3. should have low specific resistance
  4. should not be subjected to fatigue
  5. all of the above

Ans. 5

Q8. Which of the following properties a damping oil must possess?

  1. must be a good insulator
  2. should be non-evaporating
  3. should not have corrosive action upon the metal of the vane
  4. the viscosity of the oil should not change with the temperature
  5. all of the above

Ans. 5

Q9. A …………. device prevents the oscillation of the moving system and enables the latter to reach its final position quickly.

  1. deflecting
  2. controlling
  3. damping
  4. all of the above

Ans. 3

Q10. An induction meter can handle current upto ………….

  1. 10 A
  2. 30 A
  3. 60 A
  4. 100 A

Ans. 4

Q11.  For handling greater currents induction wattmeter are used in conjunction with …………….

  1. potential transformer
  2. current transformer
  3. power transformer
  4. all of the above

Ans. 2

Q12. ……………….. devices may be used for extending the range of the instruments?

  1. shunts
  2. multipliers
  3. current transformers
  4. potential transformer
  5. all of the above

Ans. 5

Q13. A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as flux-meter by ………………

  1. using a low resistance shunt
  2. using a high series resistance
  3. eliminating the control springs
  4. making control springs of large moment of inertia

Ans. 3

Q14. A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as ………….. by using a low resistance shunt.

  1. ammeter
  2. voltmeter
  3. flux-meter
  4. ballistic galvanometer

Ans. 1

Q15. A potentiometer may be used for …………

  1. measurement of resistance
  2. measurement of current
  3. calibration of ammeter
  4. calibration of voltmeter
  5. all of the above

Ans. 5

Q16. ……………. are not used on D.C. circuits.

  1. Mercury motor meters
  2. commutator motor meters
  3. induction meters
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q17. …………. is an essential part of a motor meter .

  1. an operating torque system
  2. a barking device
  3. revolution registering device
  4. all of the above

Ans. 4

Q18. Induction type single phase energy meters measure electric energy in ……..

  1. kW
  2. Wh
  3. kWh
  4. VAR
  5. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q19. The pointer of an indicating instrument should be ……

  1. very light
  2. very heavy
  3. either 1 or 2
  4. neither 1 nor 2

Ans. 1

Q20. The household energy meter is ………..

  1. an indicating instrument
  2. a recording instrument
  3. an integrating instrument
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q21. The chemical effect of current is used in …….

  1. D.C. ammeter hour meter
  2. D.D. ammeter
  3. D.C. energy meter
  4. none f the above

Ans. 1

Q22. In majority of instruments, damping is provided by ………

  1. fluid friction
  2. spring
  3. eddy currents
  4. all of the above

Ans. 3

Q23. An ammeter is a …………….. instrument.

  1. secondary instrument
  2. absolute instrument
  3. recording instrument
  4. integrating instrument

Ans. 1

Q24. The switchboard instruments should be mounted in  ……….. position.

  1. vertical
  2. horizontal
  3. either 1 or 2
  4. neither 1 nor 2

Ans. 1

Q25. The function of  shunt in an ammeter is to …………..

  1. by pass the current
  2. increase the sensitivity of the ammeter
  3. increase the resistance of ammeter
  4. none of the above

Ans. 1

Q26. The multiplier and the meter-coil in a voltmeter are in …….

  1. series
  2. parallel
  3. series-parallel
  4. none of the above

Ans. 1

Q27. A moving iron instrument can be used for ……..


  1. D.C. only
  2. A.C. only
  3. both D.C. and A.C.
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q28. The scale of a rectifier instrument is ………..

  1. linear
  2. non-linear
  3. either 1 or 2
  4. neither 1 nor 2

Ans. 1

Q29. To measure current at high frequency, we must use ……..

  1. moving iron instrument
  2. electrostatic instrument
  3. thermocouple instrument
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q30. The resistance in the circuit of the moving coil of a dynamometer should be ……

  1. zero
  2. low
  3. high
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q31. A dynamometer wattmeter can be used for ………

  1. D.C. only
  2. A.C. only
  3. both D.C. and A.C.
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q32. An induction wattmeter can be used for …………

  1. D.C. only
  2. A.C. only
  3. both D.C. and A.C.
  4. none of the above

Ans. 1

Q33. In a 3-phase power measurement by two wattmeter method, the reading on one of the wattmeter is zero. The power factor of the load must be ………….

  1. unity
  2. 0.5
  3. 0.3
  4. zero

Ans. 2

Q34. The adjustment of position of shading bands, in an energy meter is done to provide ……….

  1. friction compensation
  2. creep compensation
  3. braking torque
  4. none of the above

Ans. 1

Q35. An ohmmeter is a ………… instrument.

  1. moving iron
  2. moving coil
  3. dynamometer
  4. none of the above

Ans. 2

Q36. To measure a very high resistance, we should use ………..

  1. Kelvin’s double bridge
  2. Wheat stone bridge
  3. Meggar
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q37. The electric power t a Meggar is provided by ………..

  1. battery
  2. permanent magnet D.C. generator
  3. A.C. generator
  4. any of the above

Ans. 2

Q38. In a Meggar cntrolling torque is providec by ……….

  1. spring
  2. gravity
  3. coil
  4. eddy current

Ans. 3

Q39. The operating voltage of a Meggar is about ……….V.

  1. 6 V
  2. 12 V
  3. 40 V
  4. 100 V

Ans. 4

Q40. Murray loop test can be used for location of …………..

  1. ground fault on a cable
  2. short circuit fault on a cable
  3. both the ground fault and short-circuit fault
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q41. …………… should be used for an accurate measurement of low D.C. voltage.

  1. small range moving coil voltmeter
  2. D.C. potentiometer
  3. small range thermocouple voltmeter
  4. none of the above

Ans. 2

Q42. The best device to measure the true open circuit e.m.f. of a battery is ………….

  1. D.C. voltmetr
  2. ammeter and a known resistance
  3. D.C. potentiometer
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q43. A phase shifting transformer is used in conjunction with ………..

  1. D.C. potentiometer
  2. Drysdale potentiometer
  3. A.C. co-ordinate potentiometer
  4. Crompton potentiometer

Ans. 2

Q44. In order to achieve high accuracy, the slide wire of a potentiometer should be …………

  1. as long as possible
  2. as short as possible
  3. neither too small nor too large
  4. very thick

Ans. 1

Q45. The stator of phase shifting transformer for use in conjunction with an A.C. potentiometer usually has a ………….

  1. single-phase winding
  2. two-phase winding
  3. three-phase winding
  4. none of the above

Ans. 2

Q46. In an A.C. co-ordinate potentiometer, the currents in the phase and quadrature potentiometer are adjusted to be …………..

  1. out of phase by 90°
  2. out of phase by 180°
  3. out of phase by 60°
  4. out of phase by 0°

Ans. 1

Q47. A universal RLC bridge uses ……………

  1. Maxwell bridge configuration for measurement of inductance and De Santy’s bridge for measurement of capacitance
  2. Maxwell Wein bridge configuration for measurement of inductance and De Santy’s bridge for measurement of capacitance
  3. Maxwell Wein bridge configuration for measurement of inductance and Wein bridge for measurement of capacitance
  4. None of the above

Ans. 2

Q48. For measurements on high voltage capacitors, the suitable bridge is  ………….

  1. Wein bridge
  2. Modified De Santy’s bridge
  3. Schering bridge
  4. none of the above

Ans. 3

Q49. Wagner earthing device is used to eliminate errors due to ………..

  1. electrostatic coupling
  2. electromagnetic coupling
  3. both 1 and 2
  4. none of the above

Ans. 1

Q50. Mutual inductance can be measured by using ……………

  1. Anderson bridge
  2. Maxwell’s bridge
  3. Heaviside bridge
  4. any of the above

Ans. 3

Q51. The full range of audibility in audio frequency oscillator is …………

  1.  0 to 20 Hz
  2. 20 Hz to 2 kHz
  3. 20 Hz to 20 kHz
  4. 20 Hz to 20 MHz

Ans. 2

Q52. A liquid crystal display requires  …………..

  1. An AC drive
  2. A DC drive
  3. Both AC and DC drive
  4. None of these

Ans. 1

Q53. The detectors used in optical sensors are …………..

  1. Photodiodes
  2. Phototransistors
  3. Laser
  4. Only (1) and (2)
  5. All the above

Ans. 4

Q54. Optical sensors used for the displacement measurement works on the principal that ………….

  1. Intensity of light increases with distance
  2. Intensity of light decreases with distance
  3. Intensity of light remains constant with distance
  4. Intensity of light increases with time

Ans. 2

Q55. Capacitance sensor can measure very small displacement. It can be formed by varying ………

  1. Separation
  2. Area
  3. Permittivity
  4. Either (1) or (2) or (3)

Ans. 4

Q56. The ionization gauge an instrument used for the measurement of  …………….

  1. Very low pressure
  2. Medium pressure
  3. High pressure
  4. Very high pressure

Ans. 1

Q57. Dead weight gauge is used for the measurement of pressure of  ………………

  1. About 1000 bar
  2. About 2000 bar
  3. About 5000 bar
  4. About 7000 bar

Ans. 4

Q58. Bourdon tube is used for the measurement of gauge pressure of ……………

  1. Gas
  2. Liquid fluid
  3. Solid
  4. Only (1) and (2)
  5. All the above

Ans. 4

Q59. The resistances of potential transformer winding is minimized by using  ……………….

  1. Thick conductors and small length of turns
  2. Thin conductors and small length of turns
  3. Thin conductors and large length of turns
  4. Thick conductors and large length of turns

Ans. 1

Q60. The nominal ratio for a current transformer is given by …………

  1. rated primary winding current/rated secondary winding current
  2. number of turns in the primary winding/number of turns in the secondary winding
  3. number of turns in the secondary winding/number of turns in the primary winding
  4. rated secondary winding current/rated primary winding current

Ans. 1

Q61. Moving iron power factor meter are suitable for 3 phase balanced circuits. It consists of  ………..

  1. One control spring
  2. Two control spring
  3. Three control spring
  4. No control spring

Ans. 4

Q62. If the frequency of electrodynamic power factor meter is doubled then its reading will become………….

  1. Twice of the original reading
  2. Half of the original reading
  3. Four times of the original reading
  4. Remains unaffected

Ans. 4

Q63. A moving iron frequency meter consists of ………….

  1. Two inductive circuits connected in parallel
  2. One inductive and one non inductive circuit connected in parallel
  3. Two non inductive circuits connected in parallel
  4. One inductive and one non inductive circuit connected in series

Ans. 2

Q64. The electrodynamic frequency meters have  ………….

  1. Linear scale and their readings does not depends on voltage
  2. Linear scale and their readings depends on voltage
  3. Non linear scale and their readings does not depends on voltage
  4. Non linear scale and their readings depends on voltage

Ans. 1

Q65. The earth resistance can be measured by  …………..

  1. Fall of potential method
  2. Using an earth tester
  3. Ducter ohmmeter method
  4. Only (1) and (2)
  5. All the above

Ans. 4

Q66.  Electrical equipments are generally earthed through an electrode to avoid shocks when someone touches the body of the equipment. The earth resistance is effected by …………..

  1. Depth of electrodes buried in the soil
  2. Shape and material of earth electrodes
  3. Specific resistance of the soil surrounding the electrode
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

Ans. 4

Q67. When a voltmeter – ammeter method is applied for the measurement of resistance, the voltmeter reads a value of 8.28 V and the ammeter reading is 4.14 mA. Then the value of the resistance will be  ……………

  1. 2 kΩ
  2. 20 kΩ
  3. 200 kΩ
  4. 2000 kΩ

Ans. 3

Q68. In AC bridges, the Wagner earth devices are used to …………….

  1. Remove all the earth capacitances from the bridge circuit
  2. Remove harmonics
  3. Reduce error caused by stray electric field
  4. All of these

Ans. 4

Q69. Shielding of the capacitor is done to ……………

  1. Make the value of capacitor definite
  2. Balance the bridge without any problem
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Ans. 3

Q70. The indicating instruments with linear scale is ……….

  1. PMMC
  2. Electrostatic instrument
  3. Dynamometer instrument
  4. Thermocouple instrument

Ans. 1

Q71. The resistance potential divider method and capacitance potential divider method is used for………….

  1. Both AC and DC
  2. Former method can be used for both AC and DC and the later method can be used only for AC
  3. Former method can be used for AC only and the later method can be used for both AC and DC
  4. Former method can be used for DC only and the later method can be used only for AC

Ans. 2

Q72. The range of electrostatic voltmeter can be extended by using …………..

  1. Resistance potential divider method
  2. Capacitance potential divider method
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Ans. 3

Q73. The multiplying factor of electrostatic voltmeters is given by ………….

  1. ( C + C v ) / C
  2. ( C + C v ) / C v
  3. C / ( C + C v )
  4. v / ( C + C v )

Ans. 1

Q74. In electrostatic instruments iron is not used for construction. These instruments are ………..

  1. Free from hysteresis and eddy current losses
  2. Free from temperature errors
  3. Dependent on temperature errors
  4. Both (1) and (2)
  5. None of the above

Ans. 4

Q75.  If an electrostatic voltmeter is used on AC circuit and has non uniform waves, then it will read ………..

  1. Average values
  2. RMS values
  3. Peak values
  4. All of these

Ans. 2


Q76. Electrostatic voltmeter instruments are suitable for ……………

  1. AC work only
  2. DC work only
  3. Both AC and DC work
  4. None of these

Ans. 3

Q77. A Kelvin’s multicellular voltmeter has a torsion head and a coach spring for …………….

  1. Protection against accidental fraction of suspension due to vibration
  2. For zero adjustment
  3. Torsion head for zero adjustment and coach spring for Protection against accidental fraction of suspension due to vibration
  4. Torsion head for Protection against accidental fraction of suspension due to vibration and coach spring for zero adjustment

Ans. 3

Q78.  In electrostatic voltmeters, the principle of their operation is the force of attraction between electric charges on neighboring plates between which potential difference is maintained. The attracted – disc type electrostatic instruments are used for the measurement of …………..

  1. Very low voltages
  2. Low voltages
  3. High voltages
  4. Very high voltages

Ans. 4

Q79. Electrostatic instruments are generally used as …………

  1. Voltmeters
  2. Ammeters
  3. Wattmeters
  4. Watt-hour meters

Ans. 1

Q80. If the quantity to be measured remains constant during the process of taking the repeated measurements then the random errors can be eliminated by ………………

  1. Calculating the mean of the number of repeated measurements
  2. Calculating the median of the number of repeated measurements
  3. Calculating the sum of the numbers of repeated measurements
  4. Either (1) or (2)

Ans. 4

Q81. The error between the mean of finite data set and mean of infinite data set is known as ………….

  1. True error of the mean
  2. Standard error of the mean
  3. Finite error
  4. Infinite error

Ans. 2

Q82.  In a measurement system, 

  1. A single measurement components may have both random errors and systematic errors
  2. A measurement system consists of several components with each component having separate errors
  3. Both the statement (1) & (2) are true
  4. Neither statement (1) nor statement (2) is true

Ans. 3

Q83.  If the degree of damping of an instrument should be adjusted to a value which is sufficient to enable the pointer to rise quickly to its deflected position without overshooting is called as …………

  1. Overdamped
  2. Dead beat
  3. Underdamped
  4. None of these

Ans. 2

Q84.  Due to overdamping, the instrument will become …………….

  1. Slow
  2. Lethargic
  3. Fast
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Ans. 4

Q85. While measuring resistance by the voltmeter – ammeter method, the maximum possible percentage error in the voltmeter and ammeter are ± 1.8% and ± 1.2% respectively. Then the maximum possible percentage error in the value of resistance will be …………..

  1. ± 3%
  2. ± 4%
  3. ± 4.2%
  4. ± 4.8%

Ans. 1

Q86.  If the resistance in a circuit is given by 80 Ω ± 0.2% and the current flowing through it is 5A ± 0.1%, then the uncertainty in the power will be ………….

  1. ± 0.2 %
  2. ± 0.4 %
  3. ± 0.6 %
  4. ± 0.8 %

Ans. 2

Q87. When a 100 V moving iron voltmeter is of accuracy class 1 – 0 is used in a circuit, it reads 50 V. Then the maximum possible percentage error in the reading is  …………

  1.  1 %
  2. 2 %
  3. 2.5 %
  4. 3 %

Ans. 2

Q88. In liquid crystal displays, the liquid crystal exhibits properties of …………………

  1. Liquid
  2. Solids
  3. Gases
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Ans. 4

Q89. In light emitting diode, the available light emitting region is  …………..

  1. Less than 2.5 mm
  2. From 2.5 to 25 mm
  3. Greater than 25 mm
  4. Greater than 50 mm

Ans. 2

Q90. Resolver works on the principal of mutual inductance variation. It is mainly used for the measurement of ……………

  1. Linear displacement
  2. Non – linear displacement
  3. Rotary motion
  4. All of these

Ans. 3

Q91. In rotary variable differential transformer, the mutual inductance between the primary and secondary coils varies …………

  1. Linearly with the angular displacement
  2. Non – linearly with the angular displacement
  3. Linearly with the linear displacement
  4. Non – linearly with the linear displacement

Ans. 1

Q92. LVDT which is an instrument for the measurement of displacement, works on the principal of ……..

  1. Linear inductance
  2. Non – linear inductance
  3. Mutual inductance
  4. Linear capacitance

Ans. 3

Q93. The instruments used for the measurement of pressure is / are  …………….

  1. Bellows
  2. Diaphragms
  3. Fiber optic pressure sensors
  4. All of these
  5. None of the above

Ans. 4

Q94. A capacitive pressure sensor has a typical measurement uncertainty of  …………….

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

Ans. 4

Q95.  If an instrument transformer is used to extend the ranges of AC instrument, then its reading will depend on ………..

  1. R
  2. L
  3. C
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

Ans. 5

Q96. The potential transformers are used to measure large voltage using …………..

  1. High range voltmeter
  2. Low range voltmeter
  3. High range ammeter
  4. Low range ammeter

Ans. 4

Q97. Vibration galvanometer are generally used  ……………

  1. For measuring electric charges
  2. As null – point detectors in ac bridges
  3. As null – point detectors in dc bridges
  4. For measuring power

Ans. 2

Q98. The two wattmeters used for the measurement of power input read 50 kW each. What will be the readings of the two wattmeters if the power factor is changed to 0.8 leading keeping the total input power same? 

  1. 28.35W, 71.65W
  2. 31.25W, 73.71W
  3. 33.33W, 73.33W
  4. 38.35W, 75.5W

Ans. 1

Q99.  For the measurement of unknown inductance in terms of known capacitance, the suitable ac bridges are ………..

  1. Maxwell and Schering bridge
  2. Maxwell and Wien’s bridge
  3. Maxwell and Hay’s bridge
  4. Hay’s and Wien’s bridge

Ans. 3

Q100. The Wien’s bridges is suitable for the measurement of frequency of the range of  ……….

  1. Less than 100 Hz
  2. 100 Hz to 100 kHz
  3. 1 kHz to 100 MHz
  4. More than 100 MHz

Ans. 2

Q101. For the measurement of low resistances, Kelvin’s double bridge has high accuracy because:

  1. It has two set of ratio arms which eliminates effect of resistance of connecting lead
  2. It has a null indicating galvanometer
  3. It has two null indicator
  4. It has four sets of ratio arms which eliminates the effect of resistance of connecting lead

Ans. 1

Q102. Swamping resistance is a resistance made up of ………………

  1. Alloy of manganin and copper
  2. Alloy of aluminium and copper
  3. Alloy of nickel and cobalt
  4. Alloy of manganin and aluminium

Ans. 1

Q103. In a moving coil of a meter swamping resistance is added to ……….

  1. Reduce the frequency error
  2. Reduce the temperature error
  3. Reduce the power consumption
  4. All of these

Ans. 2

Q104. The frequency errors in induction instruments can be compensated by the use of  ………..

  1. Non inductive shunt in both ammeters and voltmeters
  2. Non inductive shunt in case of ammeters and are generally self compensated in case of voltmeters
  3. Self compensated in case of both ammeters and voltmeters
  4. Self compensated in case of ammeters and non inductive shunt in case of voltmeters

Ans. 2

Q105. For reducing the errors in an induction instrument the alternating current to be measured has …………

  1. Same frequency with which the instrument was calibrated
  2. High frequency compared with which the instrument was calibrated
  3. Low frequency compared with which the instrument was calibrated
  4. None of these

Ans. 1

Q106. In induction voltmeter, split phase windings are obtained by connecting a ……….

  1. High resistances in series with windings of both the magnets
  2. High resistance in series with the winding of one magnet and an inductive coil in series with the windings of other magnet
  3. An inductive coil in series with the winding of one magnet and a capacitance in series with the windings of other magnet
  4. Inductive coils in series with the winding of both the magnets

Ans. 2

Q107. A cylindrical type with split phase winding induction ammeters employs ………..

  1. A rotating disc
  2. A hollow aluminum drum
  3. A single flux producing winding
  4. Either (1) or (2)

Ans. 2

Q108. Induction type instruments are generally used as ……….

  1. Ammeter
  2. Voltmeter
  3. Wattmeter
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

Ans. 4

Q109.  Damping torque is the torque which acts on …………..

  1. Stationary system of the instrument
  2. Moving system of the instrument only when it is stationary
  3. Moving system of the instrument only when it is moving
  4. Stationary system of the instrument only when the moving system is moving

Ans. 3

Q110. The gravity controlled instruments has to be kept …………

  1. Vertical
  2. Horizontal
  3. Inclined at 45 degree
  4. Inclined at 75 degree

Ans. 1

Q111. Random errors in a measurement system are due to …………..

  1. Environmental changes
  2. Use of uncalibrated instrument
  3. Poor cabling practices
  4. Unpredictable effects

Ans. 4

Q112. Calibration of instrument is an important consideration in measurement system. The errors due to instruments being out of calibration can be rectified by …………..

  1.  Increasing the frequency of recalibration
  2. Increasing the temperature coefficient
  3. Increasing the susceptibility of measuring instrument
  4. Decreasing the frequency of recalibration

Ans. 1

Q112. The undesirable characteristics of a measuring system is  …………….

  1. Drift
  2. Dead zone
  3. Non linearity
  4. All of these

Ans. 4

Q113. If the instrument is used in wrong manner while application, then it will results in ……….

  1. Systematic error
  2. Instrument error
  3. Random error
  4. Environmental error

Ans. 2

Q114. Suitable method for the reduction of systematic errors is / are  ……………

  1.  Instrument must be designed carefully
  2. By introducing an equal and opposite environmental input for compensating the effect of environmental input in a measurement system
  3. By adding high gain feedback to measurement system
  4. All of these

Ans. 4

Q115. The systematic errors of an instrument can be reduced by making ………….

  1. The sensitivity of instrument to environmental input as low as possible
  2. The sensitivity of instrument to environmental input as high as possible
  3. Systematic errors does not depend on the sensitivity of instrument
  4. None of these

Ans. 1

Q116. The magnitude of environment – induced variation from the specified calibration condition is quantified by ………

  1. Sensitivity drift
  2. Zero drift
  3. Backlash
  4. Both (1) & (2)

Ans. 4

Q117. In a moving coil voltmeter, the input resistance of the meter can be increased by ……….

  1. Increasing the number of turns in the coil
  2. Decreasing the number of turns in the coil
  3. Using the same number of coil turns made up of high resistance material
  4. Both (1) & (3)

Ans. 4

Q118. Depending on whether the display is a numeric or alphanumeric, the segmental display is ……

  1. 7 segmental
  2. 14 segmental
  3. 21 segmental
  4. Either (1) or (2)
  5. None of the above

Ans. 4

Q119. The measurements which can be simplified by using X – Y recorders is / are …………..

  1. Speed – torque characteristics of motors
  2. Regulation curves of power supplies
  3. Hysteresis curves
  4. All of these

Ans. 4

Q120. Potentiometer is used for the measurement of  ………..

  1. Linear displacement
  2. Angular displacement
  3. Non – linear displacement
  4. Only (1) and (2)
  5. All the above

Ans. 4

Q121. The displacement measuring instruments is / are ………

  1. Potentiometer
  2. LVDT
  3. RVDT
  4. All of these

Ans. 4

Q122. In fibre – optic level sensors, the amount of light loss depends on ………..

  1. The proportion of cable that is submerged in the liquid
  2. Amount of light which is reflected back
  3. The proportion of cable that is not in the liquid
  4. Amount of light which is not reflected back

Ans. 1

Q123. Instrument which is capable of discriminating temperature differences of even 0.1 degree Celsius is ………..

  1. Fibre – optic level sensors
  2. Laser method
  3. Thermography
  4. Vibrating level sensors

Ans. 3

Q124. Contact devices used for the measurement of level are …………

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains same
  4. None of these

Ans. 2

Q125. For the measurement of pressure the instruments used can be ……….

  1. Mechanical
  2. Electro – mechanical
  3. Electronic
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

Ans. 4

Q126.  If at one end, the two wires made of different metals are joined together then a voltage will get produced between the two wires due to difference of temp between the two ends of wires. This effect is observed in ………..

  1. Thermocouples
  2. Thermistors
  3. RTD
  4. Ultrasonics

Ans. 1

Q127. Schering bridges are used for the measurement of ………..

  1. Unknown capacitance
  2. Dielectric loss
  3. Power factor
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

Ans. 4

Q128. The AC Bridge which is used for the measurement of frequency is …………

  1. Schering bridge
  2. Wien bridge
  3. Hay’s bridge
  4. Anderson bridge

Ans. 2

Q129. If the reading of the two wattmeters is equal and opposite while measuring power in a 3 phase induction motor then the power factor of the load will be …………..

  1. Unity
  2. Zero
  3. 0.5 lagging
  4. 0.5 leading

Ans. 2

Q130. The transformer ratio of the transformer depends upon the  …………

  1. Exciting current
  2. Secondary current
  3. Power factor of secondary circuit
  4. All of these

Ans. 4

Q131. Primary current in a current transformer is determined by ………

  1. The load on the system
  2. The load on its own secondary
  3. The load on its own primary
  4. All of these

Ans. 1

Q132. The bridge suitable for the measurement of capacitance is / are ………

  1. Anderson’s bridge
  2. Hay’s bridge
  3. Owen’s bridge
  4. None of these

Ans. 4