Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Microcontrollers and Applications(Part-3)

1)   Which among the below stated salient feature/s of SPI contribute to the wide range of its applicability?

a. Simple hardware interfacing
b. Full duplex communication
c. Low power requirement
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (d) All of the above

2)   Which characteristic/s of two-wire interface (TWI) make it equally valuable in comparison to serial-peripheral interface (SPI)?

a. Less number of pins on IC packages than SPI
b. It possesses formal standard unlike SPI
c. Slave Addressing before communication & better hardware control
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (d) All of the above

3)   What is the maximum speed of operating frequency exhibited by SPI as compared to that of TWI?

a. Less than 10 MHz
b. Greater than 10 MHz
c. Equal to 10 MHz
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (b) Greater than 10 MHz

4)   Which development tool/program has the potential to allocate the specific addresses so as to load the object code into memory?

a. Loader
b. Locator
c. Library
d. Linker

ANSWER: (b) Locator

5)   The assembler list file generated by an assembler mainly includes ________

a. binary codes
b. assembly language statements
c. offset for each instruction
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (d) All of the above

6)   Which kind of assembler do not generate the programs in similar language as that used by micro-controllers by developing the program in high-level languages making them as machine independent?

a. Macro Assembler
b. Cross Assembler
c. Meta Assembler
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (b) Cross Assembler

7)   What kind of address/es is /are usually assigned to program by the linker adopted in an execution of assembler?

a. Absolute Address
b. Relative Address starting from unity
c. Relative Addresss starting from zero
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (c) Relative Addresss starting from zero

8)   What are the major form of functionalities associated to high-level language compilers?

a. Generation of an application program
b. Conversion of generated code from higher level language to machine-level language
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (c) Both a & b

9)   Which development tool can facilitate the creation and modification of source programs in addition to assembly and higher -level languages?

a. Editor
b. Assembler
c. Debugger
d. High-level language Compiler

ANSWER: (a) Editor

10)   EPROM Programming versions are of greater significance to designers for________

a. Debugging of hardware prototype
b. Debugging of software prototype
c. Loading the programs in microcontrollers
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (d) All of the above

11)   It is a characteristic provision of some debuggers to stop the execution after each instruction because__________

a. it facilitates to analyze or vary the contents of memory and register
b. it facilitates to move the break point to a later point
c. it facilitates to rerun the program
d. it facilitates to load the object code program to system memory

ANSWER:(a) it facilitates to analyze or vary the contents of memory and register

12)   Which component is replaced by an in-circuit emulator on the development board for testing purposes?

a. RAM
b. I/O Ports
c. Micro-controller IC
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (c) Micro-controller IC

13)   It is feasible for an in-circuit emulator to terminate at the middle of the program execution so as to examine the contents of _________

a. memory
b. registers
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (c) Both a & b

14)   Which operations are not feasible to perform by simulator programs in accordance to real time programming?

a. Memory Operations
b. I/O Operations
c. Register Operations
d. Debugging Operations

ANSWER: (b) I/O Operations

15)   What is/are the possible way/s of displaying the data by logic analyzer?

a. Logic state format
b. Hexadecimal & Map format
c. Timing diagram format
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (d) All of the above

16)   Which type of triggering allow the trigger qualifier circuit to compare the input data word with the word programmed by the user in logic analyzer?

a. Triggering from external input
b. Programmable Triggering
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (b) Programmable Triggering

17)   Which mandatory contents can be visualized by the hexadecimal display format of a logic analyzer?

a. Data Bus
b. Address Bus
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER:(c) Both a & b

18)   How many samples can be displayed before and after the trigger respectively if the trigger-pulse is delayed by center-trigger mode to display 1024 bit counts?

a. 512 & 512 samples respectively
b. 512 & 1024 samples respectively
c. 1024 & 512 samples respectively
d. 1024 & 1024 samples respectively

ANSWER: (d) 1024 & 1024 samples respectively

19)   What is/are the consequences of driving the LED in the form of an output function?

a. Pin sources the current when made low without glowing LED
b. Pin sinks the current when made high without glowing LED
c. Pin sources the current when made high by glowing LED
d. Pin sinks the current when made low by glowing LED

ANSWER: (d) Pin sinks the current when made low by glowing LED

20)   What is the possible range of current limiting resistor essential for lightening the LED in certain applications after pressing the push-button?

a. 25-55 Ω
b. 55-110 Ω
c. 110-220 Ω
d. 220-330 Ω

ANSWER: (d) 220-330 Ω

21)   Which among the below given assertions exhibits the dependency of LED status over them, especially for LED and push button connection?

a. Closure of pushbutton
b. Low Output pin driven by microcontroller
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (c) Both a & b

22)   What does the availability of LCD in 16 x 2 typical value indicate?

a. 16 lines per character with 2 such lines
b. 16 characters per line with 2 such lines
c. 16 pixels per line with 2 such sets
d. 16 lines per pixel with two such sets

ANSWER: (b) 16 characters per line with 2 such lines

23)   Which control line/s act/s as an initiator by apprising LCD about the inception of data transmission by the microcontroller?

a. Enable (EN)
b. Register Select (RS)
c. Read/Write (RW)
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (a) Enable (EN)

24)   The display operations in LCD are undertaken on EN line with ______

a. 0 to 1 transitions
b. 1 to 0 transitions
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (b) 1 to 0 transitions

25)   When can a LCD display the text form of data?

a. only when RS line is high
b. only when RW line is high
c. only when RS line is low
d. only when RW line is low

ANSWER:(a) only when RS line is high

26)   How does the instruction execute for read command ‘Get LCD Status’ in LCD?

a. By allowing EN line to go from low to high
b. By allowing EN line to go from high to low
c. By maintaining EN line to be stable
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (b) By allowing EN line to go from high to low

27)   Match the HEX codes of LCD with their associated functions

a. 10H —————– 1) Shifting of cursor position to right
b. 14H —————– 2) Shifting of cursor position to left
c. 18H —————– 3) 2 lines & 5 x 7 character font
d. 38H —————– 4) Shifting of an entire display to the left

a. A-4, B–1, C-2, D-3
b. A-3, B–2, C-1, D-4
c. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
d. A-1, B–2, C-3, D-4

ANSWER: (c) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

28)   How much delay is necessarily provided after the power-on-reset condition in order to overcome the predicaments related to valid power supply levels assigned to microcontroller and LCD?

a. 10 ms
b. 12 ms
c. 15 ms
d. 25 ms

ANSWER: (c) 15 ms

29)   On which factors do the delay between two characters depend for display purposes in LCD?

a. Clock frequency
b. Display module
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (c) Both a & b

30)   How many data lines are essential in addition to RS, EN and RW control lines for interfacing LCD with Atmel 89C51 microcontroller?

a. 3
b. 5
c. 8
d. 10

ANSWER:(c)  8

31)   Which is the an alternative mechanism of preventing the software to be dependent on several delay factors along with an optimum time proficiency of checking LCD status at the interfacing level?

a. Polling of DB7 bit of the data bus
b. Updating the faster display in less time
c. Generalization of clock frequency and display module
d. All of the above

ANSWER: (a) Polling of DB7 bit of the data bus

32)   What is the purpose of using Schmitt Trigger in the hardware circuit for key debouncing?

a. Noise Elimination
b. Improvement in Noise Immunity
c. Increase in Noise Figure
d. Reduction in Noise Temperature

ANSWER: (b) Improvement in Noise Immunity

33)   Which lines are driven low under the software control during interfacing HEX keyboard with PIC 16F877?

a. Scan Lines
b. Return Lines
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (a) Scan Lines

34)   Which keys are encoded for scan lines with ‘1101’ value (RB1 low) condition?

a. 0, 4, 8, C
b. 1, 5, 9, D
c. 2, 6, A, E
d. 3, 7, B, F

ANSWER: (c) 2, 6, A, E

35)   What value of ‘B’ should be loaded in the TRISB register if return lines (RB7:RB4) and RB3:RB0 are supposed to be inputs and outputs respectively after the PORT B initialization?

a. 11000100
b. 11110011
c. 11110001
d. 11110000

ANSWER:(d)  11110000


36)   Which essential operation should be performed while reading the external program byte on the data bus?

a. Latching of lower address byte
b. Latching of higher address byte
c. Latching of any addressable byte irrespective of priority level
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (a) Latching of lower address byte

37)   Which bus/es acquire/s the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after addressing the lower order address byte?

a. Data bus
b. Address bus
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (a) Data bus

38)   What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

a. Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus
b. Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus
c. Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus
d. Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

ANSWER:(a)  Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

39)   Which among the below mentioned memory components possessess the potential of generating an ALE signal for the latching purpose of lower address byte in an external data memory?

a. CPU
b. Data Bus
c. Port 0
d. Port 1


40)   Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

a. Port 0 & Port 1 respectively
b. Port 1 & Port 2 respectively
c. Port 0 & Port 2 respectively
d. Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

ANSWER: (c) Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

41)   What happens when the latch is kept open once after the execution of the latch operation by allowing input digital data byte to appear at the output?

a. Variation in an input digital data
b. Output data remains constant despite changing input digital data
c. Variation in an output data with respect to input data variation
d. Cannot predict

ANSWER: (b) Output data remains constant despite changing input digital data

42)   How is the latch interfacing with the microcontroller related to the number of digital output functions?

a. It increases the number of digital output functions in a time multiplexed manner
b. It decreases the number of digital output functions in a time multiplexed manner
c. It increases the number of digital output functions in a frequency multiplexed manner
d. It decreases the number of digital output functions in a frequency multiplexed manner

ANSWER: (a) It increases the number of digital output functions in a time multiplexed manner

43)   What is the correct chronological order/sequence of steps associated with the latch operations given below?

a. Loading the data on output port
b. Increment in the digital output functions by using microcontroller pins
c. Application of latch enable signal to desired latch

a. A, B, C
b. A, C, B
c. C, A, B
d. B, A, C

ANSWER: (b) A, C, B

44)   In an electromechanical relay, the necessity of connecting an external base resistance arises only _________

a. in the presence of an internal pull-up resistor
b. in the absence of an internal pull-up resistor
c. in the absence of an internal push-up resistor
d. in the presence of an internal push-up resistor

ANSWER: (b) in the absence of an internal pull-up resistor

45)   Which diodes are employed in the electromechanical relays since the inductor current cannot be reduced to zero?

a. Tunnel Diode
b. Shockley Diode
c. Freewheeling Diode
d. Zener Diode

ANSWER: (c) Freewheeling Diode

46)   Where do the power gets dissipated during the gradual decay of an inductor current (upto zero value) by turning OFF the transistor in an electromechanical relay?

a. Internal resistance of the coil
b. Internal Diode resistance
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (c) Both a & b

47)   Which factors indicate the necessity of sample and hold circuit in the process of analog-to-digital conversion?

a. Instantaneous variation in an input signal
b. Analog-to-digital conversion time
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (c) Both a & b

48)   Which pin/signal of ADC AD571 interfacing apprises about the accomplishment of data reading in the microcontroller so as to indicate ADC to get ready for the next data sample?

a. BLANK /CONVERT (high)
b. BLANK/DR (low)
d. All of the above


49)   Which errors are more likely to get generated by conversion time and ADC resolution respectively in accordance to the digital signal processing?

a. Sampling & Quantization Errors
b. Systematic & Random Errors
c. Overload & Underload Errors
d. None of the above

ANSWER: (a) Sampling & Quantization Errors

50)   What is the purpose of blanking (BI) associated with the 7-segment display operations?

a. To turn ON the display
b. To turn OFF the display
c. To pulse modulate the brightness of display
d. To pulse modulate the lightness of display

a. B & C
b. A & D
c. A & B
d. C & D

ANSWER: (a) B & C

51)   How are the port pins of microcontroller calculated for time-multiplexing types of display?

a. 4 + number of digits to be displayed
b. 4 raised to the number of digits to be displayed
c. 4 – number of digits to be displayed
d. 4 x number of digits to be displayed

ANSWER: (a) 4 + number of digits to be displayed

52)   What does the RAM location at 44H indicates about the seven segment code?

a. 7-segment code for the third character
b. 7-segment code for the fourth character
c. Display of select code for third display
d. Display of select code for fourth display

ANSWER: (a) 7-segment code for the third character