Q1: What is App in Salesforce?

Ans: In Salesforce an app is a group of tabs that work as a unit to provide functionality. In Force.com there is a drop-down menu at the top-right corner of every page, which can be used to switch between apps. Users can customize existing apps to match the way they work, or build new apps by grouping standard and custom tabs.

Q2: What is visualforce?

Ans: Visualforce is tag based markup language to develop customized user interface in salesforce.

Q3: What is Cloud computing?

Ans: Cloud Computing is a new trend in IT development, deployment, Delivery module of business Products, Services that are provided over the internet that are been used by the real time user.

Q4: What is PaaS?

Ans: PaaS means “Platform as a Service”. Here in “PaaS “ the cloud service providers provides hardware, OS(operating System), Storage, Network services over the cloud. It is the way like a rent. If there is no service like Platform and there will be no Applications, which applications are built on a Platform.

Q5: What is SaaS?

Ans: SaaS means Software as a Service. Through these services all the software’s are distributes over the cloud. By using SaaS no need to install any software all software’s are readily available over the internet.

Q6: What is IaaS?

Ans: Full form IaaS is “Infrastructure as a Service”. Here in IaaS the cloud service providers will provides infrastructure like servers, hosting services and storage. Servers and storage’s are the basic services provide by Cloud Service Providers.

Q7: How can you create visualforce page in salesforce?

Ans: We can create visualforce pages in two ways.

1. From the setup menu go to Setup-> develop -> Build->Pages-> click on new button to create a page & enter name & code for visualforce page.

2. From the visualforce editor. Enter /apex/pagename at the url & create new page in visualforce editor.

Q8: What is object in Salesforce?

Ans: Custom objects are database tables that allow you to store data specific to your organization in salesforce.com. You can use custom objects to extend salesforce.com functionality or to build new application functionality.

Once you have created a custom object, you can create a custom tab, custom related lists, reports, and dashboards for users to interact with the custom object data. You can also access custom object data through the Force.com API.

Navigation to create object in sales force: Setup->Build->Create->Object-> Click on new object and create object according to your requirement.

Q9: What is Custom Controller?

Ans: Custom controller is an apex class that implements customized logic to visualforce pages.

We can override or create new functionality by using custom controllers.

Syntax: <apex:page controller=”Account” >

Q10: How many relationships included in SFDC & What are they?

Ans: We are having two types of relationships, they are

  • Lookup Relationship
  • Master-Detail Relationship

Q11:  What is a “Lookup Relationship”?

Ans: This type of relationship links two objects together,

  • Up to 25 allowed for object
  • Parent is not a required field.
  • No impact on a security and access.
  • No impact on deletion.
  • Can be multiple layers deep.
  • Lookup field is not required.

Q12: What is “Master-Detail Relationship”?

Ans: Master Detail relationship is the Parent child relationship. In which Master represents Parent and detail represents Child. If Parent is deleted then Child also gets deleted. Rollup summary fields can only be created on Master records which will calculate the SUM, AVG, MIN of the Child records.

  • Up to 2 allowed to object.
  • Parent field on child is required.
  • Access to parent determines access to children.
  • Deleting parent automatically deletes child.
  • A child of one master detail relationship cannot be the parent of another.
  • Lookup field on page layout is required.

Q13: Tell me about Company Profile?

Ans: In salesforce.com company profile consists of information about language, locale, time zone, number of licenses, storage and available space, about fiscal year, address and currencies.

Q14: What are Login Hours and Login IP Ranges?

Ans: Login hours are set in an organization to restrict the user’s who tries to login before or after login hours.

To set login hours in an organization go to

Setup=>Administration=>Manage users=>Profiles.

Q15: How can I create Many – to – Many relationship?

Ans: Lookup and Master detail relationships are one to many relationships. We can create many – to – Many relationship by using junction object. Junction object is a custom object with two master detail relationships.

Q16: What is a “Self Relationship”?

Ans: Self Relationship is a lookup relationship to the same object. Suppose let’s take an object “Merchandise”. Here we can create relationship in between the Account to Account (same object) object. That is called “Self Relationship”.

Q17:  A custom object contains some records, now my requirement is to create field in this object with master detail relationship. Can we create master detail relationship in this case?

Ans: No, directly we cannot create master details relationship if custom object contains existing records.

Following are the steps to create to create master-detail relationship when records are available in custom object.

  1. First create field with lookup relationship.
  2. And then associate look field with parent record for every record
  3. Next change the data type of the field from look up to Master detail.

Q18: List examples of custom field types?

Ans: Text, Pick list, Pick list (multi select), Date, Email, Date/Time, Date, Currency, Checkbox, Number, Percent, Phone, URL, Text Area, Geolocation, lookup relationship, master detail relationship etc…..

Q19: What is a Role and Role Hierarchy?

Ans: Salesforce uses role hierarchy to automatically to grant access to users by default. We cannot edit Grant Access using Hierarchies for standard objects and can edit Grant Access using Hierarchies check box for Standard objects.

Q20: What is TAB in Salesforce?

Ans: Tab is a user interface component to user creates to display custom object data.

There are three type of tabs.

  • Custom Tabs
  • Visual force Tabs
  • Web Tabs

Q21: Does user can create insert their own custom logo, while creating their own custom applications?

Ans: Yes user can upload their custom logo in documents and then they choose that logo for organization.

Q22: What is Wrapper class? 

Ans: A Wrapper class is a class whose instances are collection of other objects.

It is used to display different objects on a Visual Force page in same table.

Q23: List things that can be customized on page layouts?

Ans: We can customize different things on page layout like, Fields, Buttons, Custom Links and Related Lists. We can also create sections.

Q24: What are the main things need to consider in the “Master-Detail Relationship”?

Ans: Record level access is determined by the parent, Mandatory on child for reference of parent, cascade delete (if you delete the parent, it can cascade delete the child).

Q25: What is difference between trigger and workflow?



Workflow is automated process that fired an action based on Evaluation criteria and rule criteria.

We can access a workflow across the object.

We cannot perform DML operation on workflow

We cannot query from database


Trigger is a piece of code that executes before or after a record is inserted or updated.

We can access the trigger across the object and related to that objects

We can use 20 DML operations in one trigger.

We can use 20 SOQL’s from data base in one trigger.

Q26: What is Difference between SOQL and SOSL?


SOQL(Salesforce Object Query Language)

Using SOQL we can Search only on one object at a time.

We can query on all fields of any datatype

We can use SOQL in Triggers and classes.

We can perform DML operation on query results.

SOSL(Salesforce object Search Language)

Using SOSL we can search on many objects at a time.

We can query only on fields whose data type is text, phone and Email.

We can use in classes but not in Triggers.

We cannot perform DML operation on search result

Q27: What is difference insert() and database .insert() ?

Ans: Using insert method we can insert the records but if any error occurs in any record system will throw an error insertion fail and none of the records are inserted.

If we want to execute partially success of bulk insert operation we will use database .insert.

Q28: What is a “Self Relationship”?

Ans: Self Relationship is nothing but creating relationship between two same objects. This Self Relationship is a Look-up Relationship to the same object.

Q29: What is Static Resources?

Ans: Using Static Resources we can upload images, zip files, jar files, java script and CSS files that can be referred in a visual force page.

The maximum size of Static Resources for an organization is 250mB.

Q30: How to call java script using Static Resource in Visual Force page?

Ans: Add java script file in Static Resource setup -> develop -> Static Resources -> click on ‘New’ -> Name: filename and add file from local desktop and save.

We can use that file as follows in Visual Force page

<apex: includescript values=” {! $Resource.fileName}”/>

Q31: What is sharing rule?

Ans: If we want to give the access to other users we use sharing rules.

Q32: How many ways we can share a record?


Role Hierarchy:

If we add a user to a role, the user is above in the role hierarchy will have read access.

Setup -> manage users -> roles -> setup roles -> click on ‘add role’ -> provide name and save.


Defines the base line setting for the organization.

Defines the level of access to the user can see the other user’s record

OWD can be Private, Public Read Only, Public Read and Write.

Setup -> Security Controls -> sharing settings -> Click on ‘Edit’

Manual Sharing:

Manual Sharing is sharing a single record to single user or group of users.

We can see this button detail page of the record and this is visible only when OWD setting is private.

Criteria Based Sharing rules:

If we want to share records based on condition like share records to group of users

Whose criteria are country is India.

Setup -> security controls -> sharing settings -> select the object and provide name and

Conditions and save

Apex sharing:

Share object is available for every object(For Account object share object is AccountShare ). If we want to share the records using apex we have to create a record to the share object.

Q33: What are the actions in workflow?


1. Email Alert

2. Task

3. Field Update

4. Outbound Message

Q34:  How many ways we can made field is required?


1. While creation of field

2. Validation rules

3. Page Layout level

Q35:  What is difference between Role and Profile?

Ans: Role is Record level access and it is not mandatory for all users.

Profile is object level and field level access and it is mandatory for all users.

Q36: What is the maximum size of the PDF generated on visualforce attribute renderAs?

Ans: 15MB

Q37:  How many controllers can be used in a visual force page?

Ans: Salesforce come under SAAS so, we can use one controller and as many extension controllers.

Q38:  What is difference between Action support and Action function?


Action function:  Invoke the controller method from java script using AJAX and we can use action function from different places on visual force page.

Action support: Invoke the controller method using AJAX when even occurs on page like onMouseOver, onClick, ect… and we can use action support for particular single apex component.

Q40: How many ways we can call the Apex class?


1. Visual force page

2. Web Service

3. Triggers

4. Email services

Q41: How to create Master Details relationship between existing records?

Ans: Directly we can’t create Master Detail relationship between existing records, first we have to create Lookup relationship and provide valid lookup fields and it shouldn’t null.

Q42: What is permission set?

Ans: Permission sets extend user’s functional access without changing user’s profile.

Ex:  A user has only read access through profile on custom object, administrator want to give access Edit and create operations to him without changing the profile. Administrator creates the permission set having edit and creates operation on custom object and assign to that user.

Q43: What is manual sharing?

Ans: Manual sharing is to share a record to a particular user manually.

Go to detail page of record and click on manual sharing button and assign that record to other user with Read or Read/Write access.

Manual Sharing button enables only when OWD is private to that object.

Q44: How we can change the Grant access using role hierarchy for standard objects?

Ans: Not possible.

Q45: What is the use of “Transfer Record” in profile?

Ans: If user have only Read access on particular record but he wants to change the owner name of that record, then in profile level Transfer Record enables he can able to change the owner.

Q46: We have a “Time Based Workflow” and there is Action scheduled to be executed. If we Deactivate the workflow, Scheduled actions will be removed from queue or not?

Ans: Action will be performed even if we are deactivated the workflow.

Q47: What is Field dependency?

Ans: According to the field selection on one field filter the pick list values on other field.

Q48: Is check box performs like controlling field?

Ans: Yes possible. Controlling field should be Check box or pick list.

Q49: How many field dependencies we can use in Visual Force page?

Ans: Maximum we can use 10 field dependencies in VF page.

Q50: What is Roll-up summary?

Ans: Roll-up displays the count of child records and calculate the sum, min and max of fields of the child records.

Q51: How to create Roll-up summary field on lookup relation?

Ans: Not possible. Roll-up summary is enabled for only Master –Detail relationship.

Q52: What are the Record Types?

Ans: Record Types are restrict the pick list values and assign to the different page layouts for different Record Types.

Q53: What is Audit Trail?

Ans: Audit Trail provides the information or track all the recent setup changes that an administrator done to the organization.

This can store the last 6 months data.

Q54:  What are the Report Types?

Ans: 4 Types of report in Salesforce

Tabular Reports: We can only displays the grand total in the table form.

Summary Reports: It is a detail form of report in which the grouping done based on Columns.

Matrix Reports: It is a detail form of report in which the grouping done based on both Rows and Columns.

Joined Reports: We can join the two or more reports in the single report displayed in the form of blocks.

Q55: What is Dashboard?

Ans: Dashboard is a pictorial representation of report. We can add up to 20 reports in single dashboard.

Q56: What is the default timeout period while calling webservice from Apex.

Ans: 10Sec

Q57:  How to delete “Time based workflow” if there is already an action scheduled?

Ans: We can’t delete the “Time based workflow” if any pending actions in the queue.

Q58: How to update the record using After Trigger context?

Ans: Not possible. You will get error like “Record is Read only”.

Q59: What is the difference between “Export” and “Export All” in Data Loader in Salesforce?

Ans: Export is export all the data from Salesforce.com excluding the recycle bin’s data.

Export All is export all the data from Salesforce including the recycle bin’s data.

Q60: What is the use of “ALL ROWS” in SOQL?

Ans: ALL ROWS is used for retrieving the records from recycle bin.

Ex:  SELECT Id from Campaign ALL ROWS –

> “ALL ROWS” is not work in developer console.

Q61: What is the use of “FOR UPDATE” in SOQL?

Ans: FOR UPDATE is used to lock the records.

Ex:  Campaign cam = [SELECT id FROM Campaign LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE];

Q62: What is the use of “savepoint” in apex?

Ans: This is will use for to roll back the changes.

Q63: How to call Apex class using java script?

Ans: Check the below code.

Apex Class:

global class ClassName{

webService static String methodName(String camName) {

Campaign cam = new Campaign(name = camName);

return cam.name;



Java Script:

var Campaign = sforce.sObject(“Campaign”);

var String = sforce.apex.exceute(“ClassName”,”methodName”,{name=”ABC”});

Q64: How to run trigger in asynchronously?

Ans: If you use @FUTURE annotation trigger run asynchronously.

Q65: We are not providing some of fields in .csv file which are required in page layout level. What happens if we try to insert records into Salesforce through data loader?

Ans: All records are inserted in Salesforce successfully.

Q66: We are not providing some of fields in .csv file which are required in Filed level. What happens if we try to insert records into Salesforce through data loader?

Ans: Except those records remaining records will be inserted in to Salesforce.

Q67: What is visualforce controller in salesforce?What are they?

Ans: Visualforce controller is a set of instructions that specify what happens, when user interacts with components on visualforce pages, such buttons & links.

There are three types of controllers. They are:

Standard Controller, Custom controller & Controller extensions.

Q68: What is Standard Controller?

Ans: Standard controller provides the salesforce in built functionality to interact with visualforce pages. You can use the standard actions like Save, Edit, Cancel & delete by using standard controllers.

Syntax : <apex:page standardController=”Account”>

Q69: What is Standard List Controller?

Ans: Standard List Controller allows to display list of records in visualforce page. Standard list controller provides additional pagination actions (First, Last, Next & Previous) compared to standard controller.

Syntax: <apex:page standardController=”Account” recordSetVar=”accounts”>

Defining this controller is similar to standard controller. But need to add one more attribute recordSetVar

Q70: Can we use standardController & controller attributes at a time?

Ans: No, We cannot reference both attributes at a time.

See below syntax to under stand

<apex:page standardController=”ControllerName” extensions=”Class1, Class2,..”> Correct

<apex:page Controller=”MYControllerName” extensions=”Class1, Class2,..”>   Correct syntax

<apex:page standardController=”MYControllerName” Controller=”MyController”>  Wrong

Q71: What are the tasks of standard controller?

Ans: Standard controllers provide ability to access and interact with structured business data contained in records displays in the proper user interface.

Standard controller tasks: controlling data, controlling actions and controlling navigation.

Q72: What is <apex:page> tag in visualforce markup?

Ans: This tag represents a single visualforce page. Every page must start & end with this tag.


<!– Body of the page –>


Q73: How can we enable visualforce editor?

Ans: We need to check the “development mode” check box at user level to enable visualforce editor.

To enable this, go to user details page check the development mode check box.

Q74: Expand CRM and briefly explain about CRM ?

Ans: Full form for CRM or Acronym for CRM is “Customer Relationship Management “. We can understand from the full form where CRM is an application used to automate Sales and marketing functions by a using a Software called CRM Software. BY using CRM Software every Company / Organization plans to increase their revenues and profits. This strategy of increasing revenue is done mainly by attracting Customers, clients, Sales etc.

Q75: List some CRM Software’s?

Ans: We have number of CRM softwares which are provided by top CRM companies some of them are listed below depending upon their present market.

Salesforce CRM.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Oracle CRM.


Sage CRM.

NetSuite CRM.

Oracle CRM on Demand.

Oracle Sales Cloud (Fusion CRM).



Q76: What are the Advantages of Cloud Computing?

Ans: Cloud computing has made tremendous growth in processing power, reliability of the Internet and the great increase in broadband speeds.

It makes tremendous sense to make use of the centralized server of the provider of cloud computing services as not only does it reduce the costs by a great extent by making redundant the need to buy several software licenses, it also eliminates the huge costs required by an organization to maintain and upgrade existing software.

Read more on Cloud Computing Advantages :- Cloud Computing Advantages.

Q77: What is the definition of CRM?

Ans: “Cloud Computing definition given by NIST (US National Institute of Standards and Technology) : Cloud Computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction“.

Q78: What are deployment modes of cloud computing?

Ans: Cloud computing services can be provided in four different deployment modes depending on size and structure of an organization. Four deployment modes of cloud computing are

  1. Public Cloud.
  2. Private Cloud.
  3. Hybrid Cloud
  4. Community Cloud.

Q79: What is Public Cloud?

Ans: Public cloud can be available to people across the world. In this Public Cloud the user has no control over the resources.

Q80: What is Private Cloud?

Ans: Private Cloud Can be accessed only with in the limited premises. In Private cloud Cloud Services Providers Cloud infrastructure to particular Organization or Business specially. This Cloud infrastructure is not provided to others.

Q81: What is Hybrid Cloud?

Ans: Hybrid Cloud is the combination of number of clouds of any type but the cloud has the ability to allow data and / or applications to be moved from on cloud to another cloud. Hybrid Cloud is a combination of (Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Community Cloud). Here API is used as an interface between public and Private Cloud.

Q82: What are the different types of Cloud Service providers?

Ans: Cloud Service Providers are those who provide cloud services to the business and customers or consumers. Cloud Service providers will have huge data base, Data centers, infrastructure, software’s, platform and hardware systems.

Q83: Difference between Public and Private Cloud?

Ans: Public cloud can be available to people across the world. In this Public Cloud the user has no control over the resources. Where Private Cloud can be accessed only within the limited premises. In Private cloud Cloud Services Providers Cloud infrastructure to particular Organization or Business specially. This Cloud infrastructure is not provided to others.

Q84: Salesforce.com is based on which cloud computing Service?

Ans: Salesforce.com is based on Software as a Service (SaaS).

Q85: What are common factors on SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS?

Ans: SaaS, Paas and IaaS are the three types of services provided using “cloud”. Their common factor for providing  services to organization and customer is the “CLOUD” depending upon the types of the service they need. Saas provides Software service on cloud where PaaS provides Platform for application development and finally IaaS provides Infrastructure.

Q86: What is Salesforce?

Ans: Salesforce is one of the best customer relationship management (CRM) tool. Salesforce is among one of the best web based flexible and powerful database provider available in the market.

Q87: Different Salesforce Editions?

Ans: Salesforce.com provides different types of editions and features depending upon the cloud. For Sales cloud it provides four different types of editions. They are :

  1. Group.
  2. Professional.
  3. Enterprise.
  4. Unlimited.

Q88: Number of Salesforce Editions released per year?

Ans: Salesforce Releases e updates for every year. They are:

  1. Spring.
  2. Summer.
  3. Winter.

Q89: Difference between Salesforce.com and Force.com?

Ans: Salesforce.com and fore.com are relatively same but they are different in their functionality. Salesforce.com is used to develop CRM functionality based application where force.com is used to customize our data model, business logic and User interface

Q90: What is Database.com?

Ans: Database.com is a type of service provided by Salesforce.com to enhance the power of Salesforce.com CRM applications. Database.com provides “Data as a Service” to subscribers.

Q91: How many types of portals are available in Salesforce?

Ans: In Salesforce.com we have three types of portals. They are :

  1. Customer Portal.
  2. Partner portal.
  3. Self Service portal.

Q92: What is App in Sales force?

Ans: App means an Application. In Salesforce an Application consists a group of tabs which are designed to work as a single function. We have number of applications in Salesforce.com some of them are sales, marketing, chatter, site.com, work.com etc.

We can create new application and also customization for the existing apps in Salesforce.com. To create new app in sfdc go to Setup=>Build=>Create=>App.

Q93: Different types of object in Salesforce.com? And why they called so?

Ans: In Salesforce.com we have two types of objects. They are:

  1. Standard objects.
  2. Custom Objects.

Standard Objects :- Standard objects are called so because they are created and provided by Salesforce.com.

Custom Objects :- Custom objects are those which are created by an User in salesforce.com.

Q94: What is an object in Salesforce?

Ans: An Object is represented as a database table which stores organization data. Objects consist of set of fields and we store data against that field. To view data Salesforce provided  TABS.

To create custom fields go to Setup=>Build=>Create=>Object.

Q95: What is TAB in Salesforce?

Ans: Salesforce.com provides list of tabs and are placed in Tab menu. To access data of an object Tabs are used. Tabs in Salesforce are three types they are:

  1. Custom Tabs.
  2. Visualforce Tabs.
  3. Web Tabs.

Q96: List examples of custom field types?

Ans: Some of the custom field types are date field, Date/Time field, Currency field, Checkbox field, Number field, Text field, Pick list field, Email field, percent fields, phone field, Url field and many more.

Q97: What are the Standard and Custom Fields in Salesforce?

Ans: Standard fields for custom objects store the information about created by, modified by, currency, Name, owner and Division. These are the standard fields in Salesforce.com.

Custom field for custom objects store unique data or information of an organization.

Q98: How many custom fields can I created in an object?

Ans: In Unlimited edition we can create up to 500 fields per object.

In professional edition we can create up to 100 custom fields per object.

Q99: What is a profile?

Ans: Profiles are those which defines user’s to perform different functions like settings and permissions in salesforce. It is another way to restrict or control access to a particular record.

Profiles are of two types:

  1. Standard Profile.
  2. Custom Profile.

Standard Profile : Profiles created by force.com are called Standard Profiles.

Custom Profiles :Profiles created by user are called Custom Profiles.

Q100: What is Role?

Ans: Role Hierarchy settings make the managers and subordinates to edit, and view the records. The users in the Hierarchy can be able to view, edit and report all the data shared.

To create roles in salesforce go to setup=>Administer=>Manage Users=> Roles.

Q101: Difference between Role and Profile?


Roles :- Using we can provide record level access like organization wide defaults, Role hierarchy, sharing rules and Manual sharing. Simply roles influence record level access.

Profiles :- Using  profile object level and field level access can be made like general permissions, tab level permissions, read & write permissions etc.

Q102: Number of standard profiles available in Salesforce.com?

Ans: In salesforce we have 6 standard profiles they are:

  1. Standard user.
  2. Solution manager.
  3. Marketing User.
  4. Read only.
  5. System administrator.

Q103: How can you use the term “Transfer Record” in profile?

Ans: Transfer record is a type of permission in salesforce. If a user is given access to transfer a record then the user will have the ability to transfer the records which have Read access.

Q104: How to get security token in Salesforce.com?

Ans: To get security token in salesforce.com go to your

name=>Personal=>Reset my Security token.

Q105: What is a Fiscal Year in Salesforce?

Ans: Fiscal years in Salesforce are used to define starting and ending date of an organization financial year. Fiscal years in salesforce are two types they are:

Standard fiscal year :- To change starting month of the fiscal year this type is used.

Custom fiscal year :- We can set custom fiscal year dates like quarters, weeks.

Q106: What is a dependent picklist?

Ans: Dependent Picklist allows to contain multiple values and pick value one among them or multiple values among them. Dependent fields depend upon controlling field.

Q107: What are Page Layout and Record Types?


Page Layout :- In page layout customization can be done like fields, related lists, custom links can be arranged.

Record Types :- Record types in salesforce helps to implement business processes like defining picklist values for standard and custom pick lists.

Q108: How to delete user from Salesforce?

Ans: In salesforce.com, deleting a user is not possible. But the user can be deactivated by freezing that user in salesforce. To deactivate user go to Setup=>Administer=>Manage users=>Users=>Click on Freeze.

Q109: How to freeze users in salesforce.com?

Ans: In salesforce.com, deleting a user is not possible. But the user can be deactivated by freezing that user in salesforce. To deactivate user go to Setup=>Administer=>Manage users=>Users=>Click on Freeze.

Q110: In how many ways can we store files, images and documents in salesforce.com? What are they?

Ans: In Salesforce.com we can store files, images and documents in 5 types they are:

  1. Attachments.
  2. Documents.
  3. Google drive.
  4. Libraries.
  5. Chatter Files.

Q111: What are Static Resources?

Ans: Static resources helps to store upload images, files, zip files, documents, javascript files, Css Files which can be used in visualforce pages. Maximum data storage limit for static resource is 250mb.

Q112: List some standard indexed fields in salesforce.com?

Ans: Id, name, owner fields, lookup fields, master-detail relationship fields, audit dates like Last Modified dates etc. are the standard indexed fields in Salesforce.com.

Q113: Which fields are indexed by default in Salesforce?

Ans: Salesforce indexed some fields by default they are Id, name, owner fields, lookup fields, master-detail relationship fields, audit dates like Last Modified dates.

Q114: Which fields cannot be added as a custom Index?

Ans: Formula fields.

Q115: In salesforce, Can two users’ can have same profile?

Ans: Yes.

Q116: Is it possible to edit formula field values in a record?

Ans: No.

Q117: What is a Sharing Rule?

Ans: Sharing rules in Salesforce represent the permissions and exceptions to your organization. By using sharing rules we can grant access to edit, read, read/write permissions to user. Sharing Rules are of two types. They are:

  1. Manual Sharing.
  2. Automatic Sharing.

Q118: What is Manual Sharing?

Ans: Manual sharing is the process of sharing records manually.

Q119: What is permission set?

Ans: Permission sets in salesforce.com are the combination of different settings and permission sets given to user to access records and files.

Note :- Manual sharing is available for only Organization wide default settings are private to the object.

Q120: Difference between profiles and permission sets?


Permission Sets: In this Permission sets we define the access level of the user. Generally we determine what a user can do in the applications. These are used to grant additional permission to a user.

Profiles: In Object level Security, Profiles are assigned to the user by system administrator. A profile can be assigned to many users where as a user can have only one Profile.

Q121: How can you define Field Dependency?

Ans: In Field dependency, we have to fields controlling filed and dependent field. When a selection is made the controlling field controls dependent picklist values.

Ex:- When a country is selected in dependent picklist then the states are available to that country. Here country is controlling field and State is dependent field.

Q122: How many field dependencies we can use in Visual Force page?

Ans: We can use up to 10 field dependencies in visualforce pages.

Q123: Tell me about Field-Level Security?

Ans: In field level security, we control the user what to see, edit, delete of a particular field in the object.

Q124: Briefly describe about Field-Level Security?

Ans: In field level security, we control the user what to see, edit, delete of a particular field in the object. In some situation like if we want to grant access control over Object to a user but the user should not be able to access some particular fields in that objects then we go for Field Level Security.

Field Level Security can be controlled by Profiles and Permission sets.

= > Profiles.

Page Layouts.

IP Ranges.

Login Hours.


Client Access.

= > Permission sets.

App Permissions.

Record Types.

Tab Settings.

Assigned Apps.

Object Permissions.

Field Level Security.

Apex Classes

Visual Force Pages

IP ranges are used to restrict any login attempt is done from unknown IP addresses. Usually organizations maintain login IP ranges.

To set Login IP ranges in salesforce go to Setup=>Administration

Setup=>Manage Users=> Profiles.

Q125: What is a User Record?

Ans: User records consist key information about the user.

Q126: What is a Record Owner?

Ans: Record Ownership: The User or Queue who controls and have the right to access a record.

Generally there are two types of Owners. They are :

  1. Users.
  2. Queues.

Q127: What are Organization Wide Defaults?

Ans: Organization wide Defaults define the baseline level of access to data records for all users in an Organization.

Organization wide Defaults are used to restrict access to data (Records).

Organization wide Defaults (OWD) can be defined for Standard Objects and Custom Objects.

Q128: What is Access at the Role Level?

Ans: Access at the role level depends upon the organization wide defaults.

Q129: What are the different types of Sharing Rules in Salesforce and explain them?


Account sharing Rule.

Contact Sharing Rule.

Case Sharing Rule.

Opportunity sharing Rule.

Lead Sharing Rule.

Custom Object sharing Rule.

Q130: In how many ways can we share a record?

Ans: Records can be shared in 5 types they are:

  1. Role Hierarchy.
  2. Organization Wide Defaults.
  3. Manual Sharing.
  4. Criteria Based Sharing Rules.
  5. Apex Sharing.

Q131: Best Practices of Creating Contact Sharing Rules?

Ans: Organization wide default settings are used to set red, write, read/write permissions

Q132: What are governor limits?

Ans: Governor Limits in Salesforce.com are the run time limits enforced by the apex runtime engine to write scalable and efficient code.

Q133: Is it possible to bypass Grant Login access using Hierarchies in case of standard objects?

Ans: Yes

Q134: Can we use sharing rules to restrict data access?

Ans: No, sharing rules cannot restrict data access.

Q135: Is it possible to create sharing rules for detail object?

Ans: No, we can create sharing rules for details objects because they don’t have owner field.

Q136: How can you change the setting “Grant Access Using Hierarchies” for Standard Objects?

Ans: It is not possible, by default Grant Access Using Hierarchies options are enabled for standard objects and they cannot be changed. For custom objects we can change “Grant Access Using Hierarchies“ settings .

Q137: What are the Mandatory points that you think while creating User and Role?

Ans: It’s Profile.

Q138: While setting OWD (Organization wide sharing), can we change/modify the setting of child record in case of Master-Detail relationship?

Ans: No, we cannot change the settings of child record in Master Detail relationship because child record is controlled by parent record.

Q139: Number of accesses available in Organization Wide Defaults and what are they?

Ans: We have 13 types of access in Organization default settings. They are:

  1. Private
  2. Controlled by parent
  3. Public Read Only.
  4. Public Read/Write.
  5. Public Read/Write/Transfer.
  6. Public Full Access.
  7. Use.
  8. No Access.
  9. View Only.
  10. Hide Details.
  11. Hide Details and Events.
  12. Show Details.
  13. Show Details and events.

Q140: In Partner Community, external user is having appropriate OWD and Profile Settings for Opportunity or consider any other Object. However they are getting insufficient privilege access, what might be cause of this error?

Ans: First check that every field used in report has Field level security for external users.

Check whether Standard Report Visibility settings are enabled, if it is enabled user can be able to see reports which are based on standard report types.

Now external user can be able to access sensitive information of internal user.

Q141: What are the different types of Relationships in SFDC? What are they?

Ans: They are four types of Relationships in Salesforce.com. They are :

  1. Master-Detail relationship.
  2. Look-up Relationship.
  3. May-Many Relationship.
  4. Hierarchy Relationship (we cannot use this relationship).

Q142: What is a “Look-up Relationship”?


No parent is required.

Relationship is optional.

No impact on Security.

Roll-Up summary fields cannot be available.

25 look-up relationships can be created to one Object.

Q143: What is “Master-Detail Relationship”?

Ans: We create Master-Detail Relationship using Junction Object in Salesforce.

Child record must have an associated parent.

Cascade record-level security.

Cascade record deletion.

Roll-up Summary fields can be established.

Standard objects cannot be a detail object.

Standard Objects can be a Master object

Maximum 2 Master-Detail Relationships can be created to an Object.

Records can be re parented.

Q144: What is Roll-up summary?

Ans: Roll-Up Summary field in salesforce calculates values from a set of related records.

Q145: Define various characters of Roll-up Summary Field?

Ans: Roll-Up Summary field can be created only in an object which is referred as an object with a master detailed relationship field.

Roll-Up Summary field can only created for Master-detail Relationship.

Roll-Up Summary field cannot be created for Look-up Relationship.

It derives the data from child Object.

We can’t change field type of a field that we reference in a roll-up summary field.

Auto numbers are not available here.

Roll-Up Summary fields are not available for mapping lead fields of converted fields.

Q146: List out the functions of Roll-up Summary field?

Ans: Count: It calculates the total number of related records.

Sum: It totals the values of selected fields.

Min: Displays lowest value.

Max: Displays the highest value.

Q147: What is Many-Many Relationship in Salesforce?

Ans: Many-Many Relationships between two objects can be created.

Junction Object is used to create Many-Many Relationship.

Junction object can also be called as Join Object.

Junction Object links each objects in Many-Many Relationship.

Q148: Can we have Roll up Summary fields in case of Parent-Child Relationships?

Ans: No.

Q149: Is it possible to edit Roll up summary field value in a record?

Ans: No. roll up summary fields are read only fields and they cannot be edited.

Q150: Is it possible to create Roll up summary field on parent object?

Ans: Yes, we can create Roll up Summary field on parent object only with master detail relation between objects.

Q151: What is Junction Object?

Ans: In salesforce, Junction Object is the part of the objects which joins one object to another. These are specially used to join many objects in many to many relationships.

Q152: What are the main things need to consider in the “Master-Detail Relationship”?

Ans: Cascade deletion of the child records is done when parent record is deleted in Master-Detail Relationship.

Q153: Can we convert the look up relationship to Master Detail relationship?If so how can we convert?

Ans: Yes, we can convert Look-Up relationship to Master-Details Relationship. Conversion can be done only if all the fields have valid look-Up fields values only.’

Q154: Can we create Master Detail relationship on existing records?

Ans: Yes, It is possible to create Master-Detail Relationship on existing record. First we have to create Look-Up relationship to a record then convert it to master-Detail Relationship.

Q155: How to create many to many relationships between two objects?

Ans: Many to Many Relationship can be created using Junction object.

Q156: In case of Master-Detail relationship, on Update of master record can we update the field of child record using workflow rule?

Ans: No

Q157: In case of Master-Detail relationship, on Update of child record can we update the field of Parent record using workflow rule?

Ans: Yes, we can update the field of Parent record using workflow rule.

Q158: What happens to detail record when master record is deleted?

Ans: When master Record is deleted, it’s detail records are also deleted.

Q159: What happens to child record when a master record is deleted in Look-up Relationship?

Ans: Child records are not deleted.

Q160: A custom object contains some records, now my requirement is to create field in this object with master detail relationship.

Ans: No. we can no create master detail relationship first create look up relationship and associate look fields for every parent record and then convert this to Master detail relationship.

Q161: Can we create both master detail relationship and Look-Up Relationship at a time?

Ans: Yes, we can create.

Q162: What are different kinds of reports?

Ans: There are three types of reports in salesforce.com they are:

  1. Tabular reports.
  2. Summary reports.
  3. Matrix reports

Q163: What are Standard Reports?

Ans: Standard reports in salesforce are those provided by salesforce.com. These type of reports cannot be deleted and used primarily for creating custom reports.

Q164: What are custom Reports?

Ans: Custom reports in salesforce are those created by user with specific criteria. These type of report can be deleted, edited and stores in personal folders.

Q165: What is a Tabular report?

Ans: Tabular reports in salesforce are those where the data is displayed in the form of list. In Tabular reports custom data is arranged without subtotals.

Q166: What is a Summary Report?

Ans: Summary reports in salesforce are those where the data is displayed in the form of summary format. Sorting, sum-total of data can be available in this report.

Q167: What is a Matrix Report?

Ans: Matrix reports is salesforce are those where the data is arranged in grid format having rows and columns. Data is arranged vertically and horizontally in tables like excel format.

Q168: What is Trend Report?

Ans: Trend reports in salesforce are those which displays historical data. Trend reports are used to analyze which fields contains data that we want to leave out.

Q169: What are Custom Report Types?

Ans: Custom report types in salesforce allows us to build framework in the report wizard when creating custom reports. This custom reports can be created between standard and custom objects.

Q170: Who can run Reports?

Ans: In Salesforce.com, most reports run automatically when we click on the report name. If we want to run a report click on “Run Report” to run automatically.

Q171: What is a bucket field in reports?

Ans: In salesforce reports, bucket fields are used to categorize reports records. When we use bucket field in reports there is no need of creating formula or a custom field.

Q172: Is it possible to delete reports using Data loader?

Ans: No, it is not possible to delete reports using data loaders.

Q173: What are Dashboards?

Ans: Salesforce Dashboards are the graphical representation and visual presentation of reports data in salesforce.

Q174: What are the different Dashboard Components?

Ans: Salesforce dashboard components are used to represent data. Salesforce dashboards have some visual representation components like graphs, charts, gauges, tables, metrics and visualforce pages. We can use up to 20 components in single dashboard.

Q175: What are dynamic Dashboards?

Ans: Dynamic dashboards in Salesforce displays set of metrics that we want across all levels of your organization. Enterprise Editions can use five dynamic dashboards and Unlimited edition can use ten dashboards.

Q176: Can we schedule dynamic dashboards?

Ans: No, we cannot schedule dynamic dashboards for refresh. It must be done manually.

Q177: Explain dynamic Dashboard.

Ans: Dynamic dashboards in Salesforce displays set of metrics that we want across all levels of your organization. Dynamic Dashboards in salesforce are created to provide security settings for the dashboards in salesforce.com. We may have a requirement in an organization to “view all data” by every user in an organization according to their access we have to select Run as Logged-in User. There are two setting option in Dashboards. They are :

  1. Run as specified User.
  2. Run as Logged-in User.

Q178: Who can access “drag and drop dashboard”?

Ans: User who have permissions in managed dashboard can access drag and drop dashboard.

Q179: Which type of report can be used for dashboard components?

Ans: Summary reports and Matrix reports are used for dashboard components.

Q180: Which permission is required to set the running user other than you in dashboard?

Ans: The user must have “View All Data” permission is required to set the running users.

Q181: What is the use of “floating report header”?

Ans: Floating report headers enables us to display the column header visible on each page when we scroll the report page.

Q182: How to enable “floating report header”?

Ans: To enable floating report header in salesforce go to

Setup=>Customize=>Reports and Dashboards=>User Interface settings=>Click on enable floating report header.

Q183: What is Analytical Snapshot in Salesforce.com?

Ans: Analytical Snapshot in Salesforce are used to create reports on historical data.

Q184: What is Workflow?

Ans: Salesforce Workflow is a business logic that evaluates the records as they are created, updated in an object to apply automated process like Assigning Tasks, Emails, Field Update and outbound message sending.

Q185: Different Workflow Components available in salesforce?

Ans: In salesforce.com. workflows consists of 5 components they are:

  1. Workflow rules.
  2. Workflow tasks.
  3. Workflow Email alerts.
  4. Workflow field updates.
  5. Workflow Outbound messages

Q186: What are the different workflow actions available in Salesforce?

Ans: Tasks.

Email alerts.

field updates.

Outbound messages

Q187: What is a Workflow Task?

Ans: Workflow tasks in salesforce are used to assigns a task to users. Using tasks we can specify the Subject, Status, Priority, and Due Date of the task. Tasks are workflow & approval actions that are triggered by workflow rules or approval processes.

Q188: What is a Workflow Alert?

Ans: Email alert is one of the action used in workflow and approval. They are used to generate email template by a workflow rule or approval process and sent to destination recipients. We can send workflow email alerts to users, contacts having an valid email address.

Q189: What is a Workflow Field Update?

Ans: Field updates in workflow and approval processes specifies the field that we want updated and inserting the new value for it. Depending on the field type, we can choose the following options. They are apply a specific value, make the value blank, or calculate a value based on a formula you create.

Q190: What is Time-Dependent Workflow?

Ans: Time dependent workflows are not executed independently. Time dependent workflows remain constant in the workflow queue as long as the workflow rule criteria is valid.

Q191: Time-Dependent Workflow – Considerations?

Ans: When defining time dependent workflows in salesforce we have to use standard and custom date and date/time fields defined for the object.

We have to specify time using days and hours.

Also add actions to existing time triggers.

Q192: Limitations of Time-dependent workflow?

Ans: When defining time dependent workflows in salesforce we have to use standard and custom date and date/time fields defined for the object.

We have to specify time using days and hours.

Also add actions to existing time triggers.

Q193: In which criteria of a workflow – “time dependent workflow action” cannot be created?

Ans: Created, and every time it’s edited.

Q194: When you can’t add Time dependent action in Workflow rule?

Ans: Time dependent actions in workflow rules cannot be added when the following actions takes place.

When workflow rule is active.

When workflow rule is deactivated and has pending actions in the queue.

When the workflow rule criteria of a record is set to: created, and every time it’s edited.

When the workflow rule is included in a package.

Q195: We have a “Time Based Workflow” and there is Action scheduled to be executed. If we Deactivate the workflow, Scheduled actions will be removed from queue or not?

Ans: Even after deactivating the workflow, its action will not be removed. It’s still active in queue.

Q196: We have “Time Based Workflow” and there is action scheduled to be executed. Can we delete that workflow?

Ans: It is not possible to delete the workflow when the workflow is having any pending time dependent actions.

Q197: How to clear the Time based workflow action queue?

Ans: We can clear time based workflow action queue in two ways they are Make the criteria false.

Removing scheduled actions from the queue.

Q198: While creating workflow on Task, what difference observed on available actions?

Ans: While creating workflow on task we cannot find “Send Email” action.

Q199: Suppose if a record meets workflow criteria for time based workflow action, the action goes in queue. Later, before the time based action is triggered, the same record gets modified and the criteria previously met is changed and now it does not meet the workflow criteria. What happens to the time based action placed in Queue?

Ans: Simply the time based workflow action is removed from workflow queue and will not get fired.