DC Voltage Regulator Circuit

DC Voltage Regulator

A DC Voltage Regulator is a device which maintains the output voltage of an ordinary power supply constant irrespective of load variations or changes in input a.c. voltage .

Generally, electronic circuits using tubes or transistors require a source of d.c. power. However, batteries are rarely used for this purpose as they are costly and require frequent replacement. So, in practice, d.c. power for electronic circuits is most conveniently obtained from commercial a.c. lines by using rectifier-filter system, called a d.c. power supply.

The d.c. voltage from an ordinary power supply remains constant so long as a.c. mains voltage or load is unaltered. However, in many electronic applications, it is desired that d.c. voltage should remain constant irrespective of changes in a.c. mains or load. For this a dc voltage regulator is used.

Types of DC Voltage Regulators

A dc voltage regulator generally employs electronic devices to achieve this objective. The various types of dc voltage regulators are :

DC Voltage Regulator for Low Voltages

For low d.c. output voltages (upto 50V), either zener diode alone or zener in conjunction with transistor is used. Such supplies are called transistorised power supplies. A transistor power supply can give only low stabilised voltages because the safe value of VCE is about 50 V and if it is increased above this value, the breakdown of the junction may occur.

DC Voltage Regulator for High Voltages

For voltages greater than 50 V, glow tubes are used in conjunction with vacuum tube amplifiers. Such supplies are generally called tube power supplies and are extensively used for the proper operation of vacuum valves.

DC Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Zener Diode Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram of Zener Diode Voltage Regulator

Transistor Series Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Transistor Series Voltage Regulator

Series Feedback Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Series Feedback Voltage Regulator

Transistor Shunt Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Transistor Shunt Voltage Regulator

Shunt Feedback Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Shunt Feed Back Voltage Regulator

Glow Tube Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram of Glow Tube Voltage Regulator

Series Triode Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Series Triode Voltage Regulator

Series Double Triode Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Series Double Triode Voltage Regulator

IC Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

There are basically four types of IC voltage regulators & hence I will show you the circuit diagram of each one of these separately.

Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram of Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator

Fixed Negative Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram of Fixed Negative Voltage Regulator

Adjustable Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram of Adjustable Voltage Regualtor

Dual Tracking Voltage Regulator Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram of Dual Tracking Voltage Regulator

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